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Showing posts from 2012

What men don't get

I'll probably be told to delete this post. Chances are that I'll regret putting this up somehow, but put it up I will... for now. That's because, right now, I need to say something and here is the only medium... I am married to a man who I'd have described as a good man, but right now, I am not in the mood to do that, so I won't bother to describe him now. Not today. This post is not based on any theory, just my thoughts, my thoughts right now. To the men; 1. I understand that its ok for women to rub your ego's and treat you like kings at all times. We apologize when we go wrong, or when we err. How hard can it be for you to apologize? A simple apology can do a lot. Avoid wars, mend walls, heal wounds. But your pride always gets in the way, doesn't it? Just so you know..."Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.." You really don't want to see the fury a scorned woman can unleash. Seriously. 2. Its alright to make promises. Promises...

Questioning God, Insecticide drama and kindness

Hello lovely people. Its FRIDAYYYYYYYY! Such a big relief. Thankfully there are no cobwebs this time...ok, just a musty smell. BUT I have been around, Been reading some blogs so I know a few things that have happened to some people. Its great to know that those who underwent surgery have recovered or are recovering, happy birthday in arrears to Myne . I have been reading some powerful episodes from Itunes , you gotta check it out. I also discovered some new blogs and the bloggers ( sweets , sleeick  and much more)  have a witty sense of style that has you rolling on the floor, or craving for more. I hope all the bloggers in the US are safe? I have been praying for you and I know it will be well with all your families. I also want to say thank you to my new followers, I hope you enjoy the ride!!!  Happy Sallah to all the Muslim faithfuls. So sorry this is coming late, but hey, better late than never, no? Ok, I just had a strong desire to show face here. Wh...


Permit me to use this new word coined from Disappointed and Frustrated. Thank you. And no, I don't feel this way right now at all. Far from it. On the contrary I am on a high. *wink* Ok. I promised to do a post on my jewellery project, but I'll still get to do it. This story has been pushing itself to me since yesterday and share it I must. There was a Retreat for some of my colleagues  in May, and I was to be a part of it. Notice for the Retreat was rather short and it actually conflicted with my brother-in-Law's (BIL) wedding. Well, the retreat was in Benin for Tuesday to Friday, and the wedding was in Kwara State for Friday and Saturday. This meant I had to pack a suitcase for the 2 events, right? Well, my MIL had graciously sent me the fabrics (Aso-ebi) for the Traditional and Church wedding, and I still hadn't found a tailor to help me make something really nice. (I wanted to dress to impress my would be in-laws). AS time was running out, I ditched...

All of it...

Hello lovely people of blogsville!!! I hope you missed me half as much as I missed you? :) I am seriously clearing cobwebs, spiders, bats and all from this blog.  So I am married now shaaaaaa...after what, 3 years of dating this guy? God has been faithful, that the only thing I can say. I really want to thank you for all the congratulatory messages, tweets, love and all. God bless you all. You know you and you know I know you too. lol! Thanks a lot for still sticking to this blog, It honestly means a lot to me. To all my new followers, I appreciate you too! Ha, I went to the moon to "drink honey", and I am back to reality real time. Its been like 2 years since I took a break from work, and it was a beautiful experience (the honeymoon and the break from work) I tell you. Not that I haven't been entitled to a break, but I always tie them down to events, exams and what not, so I haven't really rested per say. I fear I have so much to say that I don...

The 30 Day Challenge- Day 14: What I Wore today

I don't even know how to start. I remember the last time I was "gingered" to complete this 30 Day challenge thingy. I honestly don't know what happened to all that fuel. I guess someone "stole" it. Lol. Now, I will be realistic and not make any rash promises. One day one day sha, I'll cross the finish line. Ok, the look of today. I woke up this morning without any thought of what I'll wear, and since my office is not so firm about dressing, I just put on whatever I first set my eyes on. A white shirt, a grey waistcoat, with a grey skirt and black mid heel shoes. Silver and pearl jewellery. My make-up- Blue Eye shadow with red lipstick. :) I looked nice(a bit sober- all my "dull" colours, but very nice)

Been a while

Hello People! I know, its been such a long time, I feel like a new kid on the block all over again. #ignoring cobwebs Thanks a lot for the encouragement I received  ( Sugarspring , Pricsy , 9ja's great and Che ) to come back. I never really left though, just didn't have time any more. SO many things have happened to me and to people around me. I keep making mental notes to blog about stuff, but the time just sleeps away and never comes back. The good thing about the hiatus is that I made some fantastic friends. Let me start with my wedding. No, relax, it hasn't happened yet...just a few more days though. I am t.i.r.e.d! Very tired. I go to bed exhausted and wake up in a fog. Someone has been doing the countdown for me -one in my office, (thanks Dr. A)  and the other has been doing it on BB every single day (thanks V), and its just about 8 days left. I am excited. I feel odd. scared. I feel normal and excited all over again. I want the dates to come and get ove...

Pray for Nigeria

Numbers 6:27 So they will put my name on the Israelites, and I will bless them. 2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I  will hear from Heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. Jeremiah 29:7 And seek the peace of the city where I have caused you to be carried away captives, and pray to the Lord for it: for in the peace thereof shall you have peace . This is a call to repentance to each person. We need our land to be healed, but first we must humble ourselves, and seek God. Then turn from our wicked ways. Please let us remember that God can not be mocked. The Bible tells us that whatever a man sows, that he will reap. Corruption has gone on for decades in Nigeria, but this is a call to all who have chosen to serve God, who are thus called by His name, to cry out to Him. He is a merciful God, and He will hear us.  We ne...

Causes and Effects. The state of things in Nigeria.

I am really angry about the state of affairs in Nigeria. In all sectors. This is not a dig to the president in anyway. It is my space, my piece, my rant! Our President hasn't delivered, he is clueless and is doing nothing about it. Since his ascension to leadership, the land of Nigeria has had no peace. It  has been bloodshed upon bloodshed. Needless bloodshed. Every week, we hear of something we only read about in history books. Its bombs everywhere, everyday. It is thrown by our fellow Nigerians, at people we once laughed with. At people we grew up with. At family. There are religious uprisings in clusters in the North. But don't be deceived to think its just the North. Its everywhere. The Muslims are at war with the Christians, and the Christians have refused to be slaughtered like chickens. They have resolved not to turn the other cheek. There is a time for everything they say, a time to make war and a time to make peace. Now is the time for war. Its a  ...

Little clusters

I have been feeling out of sorts of late, not illness, not depression, just a bit detached from everything. I have no reason to feel this way, things are going well in my life, but there is just this ...thing I can't actually place my hands on. I know it's there, at the back of my mind, but I have decided to leave it there, at the back. I won't give myself headache for something I can't control. Why should I worry? My God is there to deal with it anyway! Its amazing how far a kind word, thought, deed or prayer will go. In this my "undefined" state, I suddenly saw a notification on my phone, it was a direct message on twitter by @gbemisoke, and she said a word of prayer for me. I can't express how I felt, but it was a word in season. I almost cried when I saw it, and I felt like in the whole universe, God had put a spot light on me. At the same time, I saw that a friend had changed her DP to my picture and her PM was "Friends are an important ...

Humble Pie

I ate the humble pie 2 Saturdays ago, and I didn't die like I thought I would. No, I am not proud, but there are many things I would not take. Way back in Secondary School, some of my seniors used to call me "polietly rude". Now that used to get me in stitches (behind their backs of course, if not, I'm sure I may not have been alive to tell the Story today). How can someone be polite and rude at the same time? Where was I...? Ahh, the humble pie... I had to make some beads for a customer, but she didn't like the materials I used. Unfortunately, she didn't mention it to me before I made it, I used crystals and she didn't like the fact that they were shiny. it was when she saw the picture she mentioned it to me. I was flustered. What do I do? I had already spent the money on these beads. Who would I sell them to? By the way, I had spent about 3-4 nights steadfastly on this as I work during the day. I had even told her two weeks, but it was ready...


ALERT: Long Post!!! I got tagged last week by Sugarspring  and A-9ja-Great , and Cee  for this "tag 11". I really want to thank them both for this award. To be very honest, I was actually looking forward to getting tagged. And now, I have been tagged. Three times. Lol! Its a really dynamic tag award, and I particularly love the way the questions change without warning! lol. The basic rules are: Post 11 random things about yourself Answer questions posted by the person who tagged you Create 11 questions and tag 11 people to answer your questions Notify those tagged of the game Notify the person who tagged you after you have answered the questions No tag backs N.B- Since I got tagged by 3 people, I'll answer their questions differently. This should be interesting!!! 11...Random things I love God I hate it when people touch me when there is really no need I love to study people.  I am very level headed I am not a very patient person....working se...

Without Fanfare

Hi, I put up a new post - Without Fanfare- on Olamsy's blog.  Please visit it by clicking here . P.s Don't forget to leave your comments and follow him as well. xoxo


Isn't it weird that I have a job, and yet I am bored. As a matter of fact, I have 2 jobs, and yet, I can't seem to find any interest in them any more. I wonder what happened? Once upon a time I used to be very very excited about one of the jobs. It was like the coolest thing after leaving the banking industry. But recently, I seem to get "hungry". Not hungry for food, but hungry to do more. Make no mistake, my desk is always full to capacity with work, I just feel there is a lot I can do that I am not doing. Like I am being underutilized. To make matters worse, everyone around me (my 2nd job) has gone for a training, and I wasn't included in the list. It makes me wonder... Anyway, I'm in the office by myself of all the colleagues in my subsidiary group, and I have a dozen and one things to do, and yet I am BORED!!! My mind is telling me its time to find "food"...wherever that may be! I need to get back to my newsletter, its long overdue for ...

Intro and more

Hello People! Hope you're all doing well? Its going to be a fantastic and blessed week for us all. So many things happened this weekend.  We (T and I) had our introduction finally... (some of you know what I mean) and it was a beautiful event. It turned out bigger than I expected with over 50 people from his side, but I thank God. (My mum was prepared to feed a battalion, and the work it took to get all that food ready on Saturday was something else). I am grateful to God for the success of the event, and for the celebration of love, not just between me and T, but also by my family and friends. Special shout out to Deola and Wura for making it. I appreciate you guys. I honestly can't recount all that happened, but I will share an interesting part with you.  I was called into the parlor by my dad  (all this while, I was in the room while all their talk was going on) and he asked me to stand in front of everyone and asked T to state if it was me he...

When Love isn't enough

What do you do when you realize that love isn't enough? After all has been said and done, and change still isn't forthcoming? When you drum in some things into the partners head, but the lessons are really hard to stick to? Or the partner just refuses to "learn"? Do you close your eyes to it all and pretend that they are not there? Or do you voice out your opinion and be regarded as a "nag"? You already know the answer, but ask for people's opinion, and take it when it "favour's" you?  "Love is patient and is not self-seeking...keeps no record of always hopes, always perseveres" (1 Cor. 13:4:7- NIV)", you might say. "But I am also human and imperfect" is my own defence. Love for me is a beautiful thing, but it shouldn't cover up for the basics when they are not in languages shouldn't be ignored, and individual feelings should be considered and respected. I ...

The 30 Day Challenge: Day 13- My Opinion About my Body and how Comfortable I am with it

My candid opinion? I think I am fabulous! Being a plus size, I have always been self conscious about myself. I know I am beautiful, and people  tell me always that I have a great body. However, I think I will totally believe them if I can shed just a little bit of weight. I like myself the way I am but honestly think and know the right thing to do. I have started going down a bit and believe me its’ not an easy task at all ( I can liken it to going down a mountain with stilettos). It’s that easy. To think that packing on the pounds is as easy as “ABC”. Am I comfortable? My answer is no. However, I will ask myself the question this challenge didn’t ask- Am I confident? My answer is YES!

The 30 Day Challenge: Day 12- Five Guys I find Attractive

Disclaimer Because I find them attractive doesn’t mean anything. I just think they look “very nice” and if you happen to read this post and think otherwise, then I must say you are resting your back on okada. Now to the post!  Anthony O. Odunayo B. Kunle B. Enobong I. Damilola I. ( I couldn’t resist adding his name...) By the way, Attractiveness- the degree to which a person's physical traits are regarded as aesthetically pleasing or beautiful- I just had to google it!

The 30 Day Challenge: Day 11 - My Family

I have the best family anyone can wish for. From my dad right down to my baby brother, I love every one of them. We are closer than you will believe and still manage to live our individual lives. We stand by each other every time and God is the focal point in the tapestry of our lives. A lot of people have told me that the love the unity of my family- we stand united always. This is not to say that we are perfect, but that we try. Sometimes, I feel that they tend to “love too much”. At those points, I sincerely wish they didn’t have to and that they will just let me be. That never happens, and I get on with my life. I come from a family of 10, and I thank God for making them a part of my world every single day!!! 

The 30 Day Challenge: Day 10- The 1st Ten Songs on My Play List

The 1 st ten songs on my playlist are: Unwritten-  Natasha Beddingfield- It happens to be my best song too) Someone Like you – Adele Deeper – Darwin Hobbs Come Fill our Hearts – Sinach Lights on – Emjay Sisi Eko – Darey Where I belong- Jaci Velasquez Better Place- Cece Winans Grace- Bebe and Cece Winans The Dance- Bebe Winans & Dave Koz

The 30 Day Challenge: Day 9- How Important I think Education is

I think education is very important. It opens a lot of doors and creates pathways. it has a way of refining one's ideas and thoughts. People may argue that it is not so important, and site examples of several business moguls who dropped out of school and are very successful. I agree, but I want to stress here that those people had to employ people who “finished” their education to manage their business and support their organization in different capacities. Imagine a world without bankers, accountants, financial analysts, lawyers, doctors, pharmacists, teachers and what have you…our ideas will be crude. So the main man may not have had need for education, but he definitely needs the educated to make sound decisions with him.

The 30 Day Challenge- Day 8: What I ate Today

I initially had created this post on the 13th of March, and scheduled it for publishing by 5pm today. But I had a change of heart. For breakfast, I had beans and plaintain, but i couldnt eat it because it had some particles. I ended up eating the plaintain and beef only. For Lunch, I had butcher rice from spaghetti with meat balls and Chicken. Yes, it was delicious and i cleaned my plate :) I haven’t had dinner yet and I doubt I will because I need my stomach to be flat (wink). However, if I am really hungry when I get home, I will either feast on mangoes or take a bowl of cereal. The latter sounds more fun though. Hope you had a decent meal today?

The 30 Day Challenge List

I am putting up the List for the benefit of those who asked about it. Please feel free to take up the challenge!!! Enjoy!!! There are many different challenges, but I particularly liked this one. There is also the "award" you put up upon completion. I have seen many different ones as well, and love this one- Can't wait to put up the award on my blog!!!

The 30 Day Challenge: Day 7- Five Pet Peeves

Hmn…Should I be truthful? Or diplomatic? I guess I will stick with the truth… I sincerely, honestly and totally hate it when people touch me. If you need to talk to me, don’t touch me, use your mouth to talk. If you have to grab my attention, call my name. or better still make noise, I will react well enough, just ask my sister. I seriously don’t understand why you have to touch. The other day, I went passed through Obalende on my way home. I was struggling to walk through the throng of people when someone grabbed my arm. I kept walking because I assumed it was the Ibo boys trying to advertise their wares. And the person kept tugging at my arm. I came to a halt instantly to harass the person. I faced him and he said “hi, don’t you remember me”? I couldn’t believe it. Do I know you? He said he had seen me sometimes last year and he wanted to get to know me then, but I told him off (he had the nerve to say maybe I was angry or something). So I asked him if that meant I knew him,...

The 30 Day Challenge- My View on Mainstream Music

Thanks a lot to all who encouraged me (massive blog hug- well, now there’s something like that;) straight from my heart) to go ahead and complete the challenge. It really meant a lot to me. For those of you who didn’t know what it was about, here’s a picture of the 30 day challenge. Please feel free to embark on this interesting journey. (I hope I finish before you sha) To be frank, I had to Google “mainstream music” to be sure I got it right. Wikipedia says it is “ music denotes music that is familiar and nonthreatening to the masses, e.g. popular music, pop, rap, rock...”I will focus on the Nigerian Music as it is today. I laughed when I saw the challenge - My views on Mainstream music- and I went "Views ke"? I am not sure I have a view jare, but I thought, why not? So here goes! Frankly, I don’t know so many Nigerian songs…In fact listening to music is something I hardly do, and the few songs I have on my play list must be complaining to God by now because I ...

Happy Women's Day

  A happy celebration to all the women in the world- Black, white, yellow or red...We are so blessed!!! More Womens Day

The 30 Day Challenge (#Covers face)

I am terribly ashamed of myself!!! I have been known to complete tasks and I can't seem to "untangle" my fingers to get this ish done... Big shame!!! Well, by hook or by crook, I will get his done. So help me God! Why am I still wasting time here...

The Banking Tsunami: Effects on the Economy

In 2010, I was downsized by Oceanic Bank. They called it the "Oceanic Tsunami". It was a very big blow. I had  worked with them for almost 2 years, and I can tell you by myself that I worked hard. But somehow, my name was on that "black list". I honestly can't explain how I felt, because I still don't understand my feeling at that point. In a cloud, I cried because I felt that I had somehow I had "failed". How do you explain the fact that it was just 2 of us in a whole branch? I really felt bad because I knew how long it took me to get the job. (omo, no be small tin ooo), and then overnight, poof, the job developed wings and flew away. I just told God to deal with it. (thank God for family and friends- that's another story by the way) Exactly one month after that, I got another job. This week, I heard that a second Tsunami had occurred. I know a lot of people who got affected, and I may understand a bit of what it is they are going through...

True lies

Source   Do you sometimes catch yourself telling a lie? Like you just blurt it and wish you had just zipped your mouth instead? What do you do then, when the lie is out? Pop it back into your mouth? Bite yourself? Tell the truth? Or tell another lie to cover that one? To lie is to hold something which one knows is not the whole truth to be the whole truth, intentionally (Wikipedia). So, a lie (white, red, purple, green-whatever colour you chose to use to coat it-) is still a lie. I went visiting with a friend. The house we went to was untidy and very dusty, and I remember saying "your house is lovely", when my head was screaming, clean up already. WHY did I lie? I could have just shut my mouth, but I "had" to comment as it was my first time there. I probably felt it the "right" thing to do. You do it sometimes too, when you tell someone you like her hair, when you really don't. Or when you tell that hot chic "I love your dress...