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The 30 Day Challenge: Day 12- Five Guys I find Attractive

Because I find them attractive doesn’t mean anything. I just think they look “very nice” and if you happen to read this post and think otherwise, then I must say you are resting your back on okada.

Now to the post!
  1.  Anthony O.
  2. Odunayo B.
  3. Kunle B.
  4. Enobong I.
  5. Damilola I. ( I couldn’t resist adding his name...)

By the way, Attractiveness- the degree to which a person's physical traits are regarded as aesthetically pleasing or beautiful- I just had to google it!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks a lot for Decoding Toro...chai! I hope Odun doesn't read this!

  2. A million thanx for code-wording everything. *angry face*

    1. Lol!
      Even if i mentioned their full names, you wouldn't know them, Imisi. Ok, should I edit it?

  3. 1st time on ur blog @ "resting your back on okada".

    I like your disclaimer, and the fact that you put in the definition of attractive(ness) - now that's more reason to lol!

  4. lol...thanks dear!
    Had to put the disclaimer, so these dudes won't start thinking otherwise.

  5. okay ur disclaimer had me rolling!


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