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The 30 Day Challenge- My View on Mainstream Music

Thanks a lot to all who encouraged me (massive blog hug- well, now there’s something like that;) straight from my heart) to go ahead and complete the challenge. It really meant a lot to me. For those of you who didn’t know what it was about, here’s a picture of the 30 day challenge. Please feel free to embark on this interesting journey. (I hope I finish before you sha)

To be frank, I had to Google “mainstream music” to be sure I got it right. Wikipedia says it is “music denotes music that is familiar and nonthreatening to the masses, e.g. popular music, pop, rap, rock...”I will focus on the Nigerian Music as it is today.

I laughed when I saw the challenge - My views on Mainstream music- and I went "Views ke"? I am not sure I have a view jare, but I thought, why not? So here goes!

Frankly, I don’t know so many Nigerian songs…In fact listening to music is something I hardly do, and the few songs I have on my play list must be complaining to God by now because I put them on repeat ALL THE TIME. Anyway, back to the topic. Personally, I think some Nigerian artistes make a lot of noise. There are so many of them, and believe me, its good to follow your dreams every time, but just make sure you have a good producer and all that. There are also a lot of them that make sense in their songs. 

That said, I believe there are many fantastic songs too, one song I love so much even though I don’t know the meaning is “Ara” by Byrmo. The beat just gets me always... (now humming it in my head) and the funny thing is I only know the
Another song that trips me is “That Stupid song” by Bez and Praiz. I love love love it.

My view on mainstream music…ok


  1. I just wanna hug u rite nw...the two songs U̶̲̥̅̊ put up rite nw are the songs on repeat in ma head. I love ara...I dnt knw the meaning or lyrics but the beat and the way it starts makes me jst love it. As for that stupid song,ever since I watched the vid I've been hooked.


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