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Intro and more

Hello People!

Hope you're all doing well? Its going to be a fantastic and blessed week for us all.

So many things happened this weekend. 

We (T and I) had our introduction finally... (some of you know what I mean) and it was a beautiful event. It turned out bigger than I expected with over 50 people from his side, but I thank God. (My mum was prepared to feed a battalion, and the work it took to get all that food ready on Saturday was something else). I am grateful to God for the success of the event, and for the celebration of love, not just between me and T, but also by my family and friends. Special shout out to Deola and Wura for making it. I appreciate you guys.

I honestly can't recount all that happened, but I will share an interesting part with you. 

I was called into the parlor by my dad  (all this while, I was in the room while all their talk was going on) and he asked me to stand in front of everyone and asked T to state if it was me he wanted. T said yes, and my dad turned and told me that T and his people had come to ask for my hand, and he wanted me to say if I wanted to marry him. I said yes. Then he asked me to pick up the tray (with money in it from the centre table  (apparently T had put the money in it before I was called in) and if I agreed to be his wife, I should bring the Tray to him. I went to pick it up, and my mum suddenly screamed, saying why was I rushing to pick up the tray, that I should go slowly jor. Everyone started laughing. Lol...I guess I was just nervous with everyone looking and all, but that helped douse my nervousness. Then I walked slowly to pick it up and knelt to give it to my dad, who asked me to give it to my mum. He said that if she accepted it, then it meant she approved of my choice. I took it to her and knelt before her, she accepted it from me. T was beaming like a "peacock by this time and I had tears in my eyes...

Somehow, with all this going on, I really didn't feel like it was my own intro until we both knelt down for the Pastor to pray for us. By then, I actually started feeling like it was my event.

To other things, T and I went out on Sunday to the beach (Elegushi) and I really enjoyed myself. It was different, somehow, and magical. 
While we were there, I suddenly saw a bum pulling a swollen ram out of the water with his hand. I was surprised. Then the Life guards around dragged the animal somewhere to bury it. I was appalled. The animal was in the water and I know that the same water gets into people's mouth and all.  T said maybe they used it for "sacrifice", because I was wondering want a ram would be looking for at a beach. Needless to say, that was the end of my "play". I just sat very far from the water and "enjoyed the view" from my perch. I think all that "Tax"' they collect at the gate and to park your car should actually be put to good use. The beach should be kept clean and nice jor.

Then we went we went for the Faceoff Celebrity Basket ball show. It was interesting, but I had to leave by 10 because of work. While we were there, the MC was calling the names of celebrities, and he called Annie Macaulay's name shortly after Tuface's name. And i couldn't help asking- what does she do? and someone beside me said- "she makes babies for Tuface. Lol

Wishing you a lovely week ahead!!!


  1. Congratulations on your intro!!!!
    God will see you through into the next phase. I dont have to remind you that i'll be back for more gist now *wink*

  2. Congrats :) May God bless your home.

  3. LOL @ your mom...Wow congrats!!!!we want more gist :)

  4. Lol at Annie Macaulay! Congrats on this first step. Looking forward to the next steps.........

  5. Aww congrats. I was feeling emotional on your behalf.

  6. lol!how's that possible? (wink)
    Thanks dear.

  7. Jooo o!!! Congratulations jare! Olorun a mu ojo ro o! Your mum's part was just soo funny...I can totally picture something like that happening to me too..hehehehhehe. I actually feel a bit of what @ilola feels o! So it is very possible to be emotional with you/on your behalf. congrats once again.
    Ewwww...that elegushi story just gave me the creeps.
    As per Annie, se that one wey she dey do too no qualify?!

    1. looool!
      she still laughs at the look that was on my face. I was so shocked, embarrased then amused.

      Tnks a lot love, I understand, was just pulling her legs.

      Ok, so that's what makes her a celeb. hmn...on point. (lol)

  8. Ma fweeeeeend!!! I'm so happy for u o! As God has started this work in ur lives, he will be faithful n just to bring it to completion. Congratulobions!

    1. Amen dear. Thanks love.

      You will always be celebrated as well.

  9. U're obviously still in another dimension! How's the "Teacock"? Lolz. Big Congrats.

  10. aaawwww... Congratulations! May God bless your union as you grow together in life

  11. The Lord bless you and make you "heirs together of the grace of life"!

  12. Congrats dear. God will perfect the rest!

  13. Congrats sweetie.
    Lmao @ she makes babies for tuface! lol


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