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Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Do your thing

I found this picture on Twitter (@Nilaija_PR) and I jumped right in. It was supposed to be a poem, I have no idea what I did, but I like it! 
Here goes-
Like Joan of Arc, I was tied to a stake. 
A tag of a witch on a broom is all it would take
to set the mob on edge. Bound like a thief
I was allowed my clothes and given grief
Then came the debris- paper, some nylons, and kerosine
placed deliberately like a chef does food prep at a cusine
To my surprise, a joint was stuck in my mouth
just before the match was lit and tossed douth
direclty beneath my feet, I watched the fire lick up the paper
the nylons melting in submission to the flames, I needed no wager
to know my time here was almost up. 
I did the best thing I could at this moment
oh yes, I am all for enjoyment!
I bent over to reach the flames
I might as well enjoy this last high before the angry flames comes for its claim.