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Pray for Nigeria

Numbers 6:27
So they will put my name on the Israelites, and I will bless them.

2 Chronicles 7:14

If my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

Jeremiah 29:7
And seek the peace of the city where I have caused you to be carried away captives, and pray to the Lord for it: for in the peace thereof shall you have peace.

This is a call to repentance to each person. We need our land to be healed, but first we must humble ourselves, and seek God. Then turn from our wicked ways.

Please let us remember that God can not be mocked. The Bible tells us that whatever a man sows, that he will reap. Corruption has gone on for decades in Nigeria, but this is a call to all who have chosen to serve God, who are thus called by His name, to cry out to Him. He is a merciful God, and He will hear us. 

We need to cry out to God to stay this plague of destruction, waste and rage and heal our land, cleanse us from all the fury and blood thirst, and make us human again, especially to our fellow brothers and sisters.

Please let us pray for Nigeria. Yesterday I was angry, today I am broken. We need help from above, as no man on earth can help us. 

Dear Lord, We are your children, redeemed by the blood of Jesus, and called by your name. We have come to you broken. We acknowledge that there is no one like you, we declare your awesomeness and know that indeed, no one compares with you.
We cry to you today to please mend the fractures of our land, for your children are afraid. We stand upon you word which says if we pray and seek your face and turn from our wicked ways you will hear us from heaven, forgive our sin and heal our land. We ask for your mercy and that you will indeed heal our land. Your word makes us understand that you will not withhold any good thing from your children who walk uprightly. The same word makes us understand that you will not destroy a nation for the sake of a few of your children who are there.

Heavenly Father, please have mercy on us. Save our land. Lead our leaders aright. Teach us to walk in your precepts. Help us to do the right thing and know that you are watching us always. 

Grant us peace in our hearts and our land, for your word has said that in the peace of the land lies our own peace. 

This we ask in Jesus name. 



  1. And for those who don't know how to pray... Just recite the second stanza of the national anthem, every line is a strong prayer point.

    In the mean time, while praying, let us actually turn from our wicked ways. And let it be for real, or else... these prayers will be a mockery oo

  2. Amen to your prayers. Nigeria needs an intervention.

  3. Amen. We really do need to pray for our nation.

    1. Yes oo. We really need help.

      Been trying to reach you Che. Trust you are doing good? Sent you an email, please reply me, k?

  4. deep
    yes..we really need to pray for this country and may God give us the grace to continue doing so.amen
    love the new look of your blog

    1. Amen.

      Thanks love. Got tired of that other look.

  5. check out the last episode of Lori's journal on my blog. you were one of the darlings i gave my vote of thanks to
    LOL about the multicoloured slippers thing...nooo don't worry..YOU have a good reason, and i also wear one of those rubber sandals myself sometimes. i was talking about the young people that do things because it's the new d in town...u get?

    1. LOL! I understand jare.

      Am going back to your blog right away! xoxo

  6. But thank God too for the many in Nigeria who know the Lord Jesus.

    Grace be with you all.

  7. Amen and Amen! May the Lord have mercy on us and shine His face favourably on our nation

  8. I can't even tell what's wrong with me.I can't believe i've not been here in a bit.

    We sure need the prayers and amen to yours.

    1. Amen.

      Don't worry, even I haven't been here in a bit myself (wink)

  9. amen and amen. we sure need prayers. lovely prayer.
    new here. love your blog. thanks for stopping by mine. your new follower.

  10. Amen dear... how you doing? been a while....come back soon.

  11. come back and blog jor.... trust all is well with you, yes?

    1. God bless you dearie. Yes ooo, its very well with me. (hugs)

  12. babes!!!!...wats goin on u that busy...saw ur handiwork on twitter oo..LOL, so dnt gv me any excuse and dnt worry, am nt stalkin u either..#biggrin#
    so come back and write, u hia?

  13. hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. It's been a minute. Where you art? Trust you are doing well. Missing you on blogsville. I probably thought i replied your mail. Pele jare. Lemme respond now. I like the new look your blog has.

  14. First time here.... finally visited.. thanks for the comment on my blog (it was ages ago now)....

    AMEN to the pray. I pray it will come to PASS..

    Congratulations on your new status.. I pray JESUS LOVE and his abundant grace will forever be present in your

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