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Isn't it weird that I have a job, and yet I am bored. As a matter of fact, I have 2 jobs, and yet, I can't seem to find any interest in them any more. I wonder what happened?

Once upon a time I used to be very very excited about one of the jobs. It was like the coolest thing after leaving the banking industry. But recently, I seem to get "hungry". Not hungry for food, but hungry to do more. Make no mistake, my desk is always full to capacity with work, I just feel there is a lot I can do that I am not doing. Like I am being underutilized.

To make matters worse, everyone around me (my 2nd job) has gone for a training, and I wasn't included in the list. It makes me wonder...
Anyway, I'm in the office by myself of all the colleagues in my subsidiary group, and I have a dozen and one things to do, and yet I am BORED!!!

My mind is telling me its time to find "food"...wherever that may be!

I need to get back to my newsletter, its long overdue for publication. See y'all later!


  1. Understandable ;it happens to me atimes. I would have so much to do but no interest in it! I can't understand why either. My solution: I get up and force myself to do it because it would still be there waiting for me, since nobody else would do it for me! I like reading, so anytime i get bored, i pick a novel or my bible to read.

    There are times i get bored browsing the internet or watching films....i go for a stroll, by the time i do tatafo finish with my neighbour or any of my friend i see, the bored flees and i am refreshed!

    1. Lol @ " it would still be there waiting for me, since nobody else would do it for me!". that is so true.

      Your comment just made my day jare. Thanks a lot!!!

  2. meant 'boredom' flees away!

  3. Everyone around your second job are DEFINITELY mean!!!!!!!!!

    1. Very mean dear...wait a min...aren't you part of them? Lol!

  4. Happens sometimes. Some days I feel so uninspired to do anything and yet I get stuff's to manage.

    Going back to your newsletter sounds much of fun and a good idea, I think you should k? best wishes.

    1. Thanks love. Am done with that now. Just waiting for final approval.

  5. Wow...sounds like you just had an epiphany of some sort. Maybe you need to find a hobby...something that you can do while you work....I don't know how you'll be able to do that but maybe you need to hear some real good music to get you out of the blues of boredom.

    Don't know if that will work...but its not bad to try..

    1. Music...Maybe I should change what I've been listening to. Yeah, am definitely going to try that out.
      Thanks a lot.

  6. Eeya pele. Your desk is full, yet you are under utilised? It seems you are caught up in routine. Sorry o.

  7. Yea, this sure happens. Take a short break then go back to work. Cheers.


    1. Thanks. Its a temporary situation, but it works nonetheless.

  8. These things happen. With two jobs tho, I would think you'll be so overutilized, you won't even find time to be bored. Stressed out yes, certainly not bored. But I get it, routine can be a b*tch sometimes.

    Until you find the next food, find ways to make this one fun, k? It is well.

  9. Aww, i can imagine. It happened to me recently and its been happening repeatedly too....working on the newsletter might just be a good idea.

    1. Yeah, that will take my mind of the "dry" state of things for a while.
      So how do you cope when you get "hit"? Please let me know.

  10. It really is an odd reality - one I can relate to. Good thing you still keep your will to write.

    1. Ahhh, I can't loose that one..that's when frustration will come in.

      I have been writing stuff since I was in secondary school to "escape". Many things I write don't get published, but it always helps me feel better.

    2. Sounds familiar. I have a lot of stuff written down too from way back. It may never be published too. Looking back now I see how I "escaped" too.

      You call it "escape", I call it "exhale". It heals.

  11. Routines, routines, routines....they always get monotonous and boring at some point..I understand..but like some commenters said, the newsletter should shake all those boring vibes away... Still, it's so unfair that they all left for training & you were left alone at work. NOT COOL.

  12. Na wa for those your second office people. It has happened to me before, All Engineers in the company apart me were sent abroad for training. Years down the line, I can thankfully say I am better off.

    I also agree with others, guess its a routine have your desk full and you are still bored! Pele

  13. Get something to spice up your work life, a change might not be the answer...spice it up and think deep, what it is you feel is missing from your life at the moment.

    1. Thanks dear. I have actually started something already. To be very honest, I think I need to be independent. But "fear no wan gree me". I am like the biblical lame man who was waiting for the "right time" to get into the stirred water. I am waiting for a push, and God is telling me to go on, I say I have faith in Him, and yet I am afraid to let go and let Him take the wheel.

      May God deliver me.

  14. yeah!...i know that feeling.
    you have tons of wrk, papers on the table, pen in the mouth or somewhr in your hair and if possible, chores mixed with work and you still dont feel fulfilled. it feels like you're looking for something, like youre incomplete but guess what, just reading the bible makes my day. i discovered that a while ago that that was what was missing(if you know what i mean) try and do a check check and see if you've got your daily dose from your bible and talk to God. say something, say your heart out or escape to somewhere peaceful and quiet and meditate on God and see you'll get a good relief. it might not be in the office but somewhere sha..LOOL and get ur tots in order
    thanks fr following me the other time but my old blog is now nonexistent and i have a new one now. would like u to check it out. dedicated it to you and others.
    will love to get more from ur blog and will hopefully see more of you
    i see uve changed ur blog. last time i checked, it was orange..colourful bt i think i like the new look..sort of....ummmm sort of nyc!!

  15. To be honest, I have been doing the "indomie-prayer" recently. I wake up and barely have time to read the word without meditating because I need to "catch-up" with my day. Its really bad I know.I guess I need to really go back.
    Thanks a lot for giving me another perspective.

    Not to worry, now following your new blog. Welcome back.

    I was just meddling yesterday and liked the new look. Am not sure if it's here to stay though... because there is no personality (colour et al) to it in my mind, but I love how you can view all the posts at the same time. Lets see how it goes sha.

  16. First time here. Thanks for following my blog.

    Really, I'd go with the previous comment on taking a dose of the Word and meditation. I also have been in this situation on some occasions. No always nice, hehe.

    1. Thanks. It actually helped. It always does!

      And you are welcome. You write well too!

  17. Blessings....
    Because you are not doing what moves you. It is up to you to find that which makes your spirit rise.

    stay blessed.

  18. Sorry dear. I understand the feeling cos it happens to me a lot of times too. I still haven't found the solution, but i agree with Rhapsody B. At the moment, I'm doing some serious soul searching to know what i really really truly love to do. Cos once you are doing something you are passionate about, you won't be bored. You take care dear and congrats on your intro. **hugs**

  19. Awwww not feeling fulfilled even with two jobs...I'd be thinking u'd feel over-used. One thing I always pray about is that I get a job I'd love so much and feel fulfilled doing. U should start hunting for that "food" to quench that "hunger" meanwhile may God grant you patience as you search and fulfill ur heart desire.


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