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Permit me to use this new word coined from Disappointed and Frustrated. Thank you.

And no, I don't feel this way right now at all. Far from it. On the contrary I am on a high. *wink*

Ok. I promised to do a post on my jewellery project, but I'll still get to do it. This story has been pushing itself to me since yesterday and share it I must.

There was a Retreat for some of my colleagues  in May, and I was to be a part of it. Notice for the Retreat was rather short and it actually conflicted with my brother-in-Law's (BIL) wedding. Well, the retreat was in Benin for Tuesday to Friday, and the wedding was in Kwara State for Friday and Saturday. This meant I had to pack a suitcase for the 2 events, right?

Well, my MIL had graciously sent me the fabrics (Aso-ebi) for the Traditional and Church wedding, and I still hadn't found a tailor to help me make something really nice. (I wanted to dress to impress my would be in-laws). AS time was running out, I ditched the idea of creating a buzz with my dresses and started looking for someone who could just make something presentable. It would have been bad if I had turned up for the wedding wearing something different considering that my MIL particularly sent me the clothes.

My pipu, I found a tail (No, its not a mistake, I just can't add the "or" to it). She really didn't mess up my clothes like that but she showed me real pepper. As I had gotten desperate, I suddenly remembered my hair stylist who said she had a tailor that made good dresses and her shop was in the Estate. I searched through my phone book and saw her contact. I called and we fixed an appointment for the next day. 

I took the fabrics to her and chose the style I wanted. Mind you, this was 3 days to my trip and she assured me it would be ready on Saturday. This was on Wednesday. I called her Saturday morning and she asked me to come in the evening.  I went to her shop in the evening and my cloth "neva ready". She told me her son was ill and all that and that she will spend the night to ensure it was ready by Sunday. Automatically, my plans for Sunday had been rescheduled. she however turned the lace material into a skirt and blouse, not escatly what I asked for but still ok. She however decided to show my boobs to the whole world. The front was so low, I wondered if it was my measurement she used. 

First thing Sunday morning, I called her and she said there was no light, I knew I was in trouble. When I got to her shop, she had just finished cutting it up. I sat with her as she was sewing. Meanwhile, I had a marriage  counselling class to attend by 1pm at Igando, and I was at Ikoyi. By 11 am, my husband called to find out where I was and what my plans were. I told him I'd be leaving in 30 mins time. I tried the dress on and saw that it was wayyyyyy toooo short. and tight. It just made me look very very cheap. I asked her if it was my measurement she used and this "tail"  (remember, no "or") told me the fabric wasn't enough so she just cut it like that. Ahhhh! My boo called again and told me to let him know when I was leaving her shop.
She was still working on it by 12:45 when I snatched my dress and left the shop. As soon as I stepped out of the shop, I started crying. I was sooooooooooooooooooooooo frustrated. I didn't like the clothes, they were just to tight on me. They were not what I wanted and I had wasted my time. And she even charged me for "express" on top of everything. Arghhh!!!

My concern at that point was to get to Igando. How was I to get to Igando from Ikoyi, when my father doesn't own Lagos roads? I just kept walking and crying.  My husband called me to find out where I was, and I told him I will be quite late but he should please explain to the pastor. At first they were silent tears, just my heart was crying. Then my eyes decided to show solidarity and started shedding tears. By the time the bike dropped me at Obalende, I was heaving. My boo asked me where I was and I told him I was at obalende, that he should please give me some time to met him. When I got to the Taxi park at Obalende, I couldn't breathe, I couldn't talk, I was just sobbing. The taxi men were afraid (probably thinking I had just heard bad news). On a normal day, I am what you call an "alaroro" I don't dash people money like that ooo. But I just didn't have it in me to price. When the can guy said N5,000, I managed to say i'll pay you N4,000. On a normal day, i'll had gone down to N3,000. He just said I should enter and started shouting to another cab guy that had blocked him that it was an emergency  It must have been a sight indeed, someone as big as me crying like a baby that they had taken a toy from. I didn't care who saw me. I was just inconsolable. 

As we made to leave the park, my boo called again and I told him I just got a taxi and was leaving Obalende. He said I shouldn't go with the Taxi as he was in front of my house. The tears went up another notch. I got down, thanked the cab guy and started making my way back towards my estate. By this time, people were staring openly at me, and I ws doing all the crying I had never done in my life. The funny thing is I didn't for once think about what I was doing. I was just so frustrated. I was late (AGAIN), had wasted my boo's time, and I was probably going to miss counselling (Again) and I hated the outcome of the clothes.

I met my boo halfway and when I saw the concern in his eyes, the tears flowed fast. He was so scared, he thought I had lost a family member (God forbid). He stopped in the middle of the road and refused to move until I told him no one died. The he asked me what happened to make me cry like that. I honestly had no answer for him and I finally said the "tailor spoilt my dress". He had this incredulous look on his face, like "is that why you are crying"? 
Anyway, he calmed me down (like only him can *wink*), we called the pastor to cancel the class (with apologies) and we just hung out. Then he calmly asked me if I realized the picture I painted while crying like a child and if I realized I was going to be the mother of  his children. It was at that point I felt ashamed.

When I shared the story with my mum later that night, she was actually rolling on the floor and had tears rolling down her eyes. SHe found it so funny, meanwhile, as I was narrating it to her, I started crying again. It really pained me shaaa.

Anyway, I passed by Obalende yesterday and I remembered this story and thought to share. 


  1. I hate when Iguys do
    I would have cried to..infact I have cried over that. Sometimes the crying releases you in a way that just being mad, yelling or throwing things can't.

  2. LOL... funny story. I used to be such a cry baby too, but it passed. As for some tailors, chai, they can show one pepper!

  3. I am sorry, I laughed so hard I started coughing. You are so genuine. All is well that ends well. But I truly understand how you felt that day. Chai!

  4. Really funny story, I can imagine the crying. Hahaha some tail (no 'or') can sha try the last patience you've got.

  5. looool hahahaha oh no! oh my goodnesss! awww eyah!

    wait what now happened to the cloth and what did you wear to the wedding? this gist is not yet complete joh.

    1. lolz!
      I ended up not going for the wedding. Anytime I see the clothes, I just sigh. A very heavy kind of old person's sigh.

  6. i kinda found it funny especially you boo's reactions

    1. hehehe. Whenever anyone wants to make fun of me at home, they start retelling versions of this story. lol

  7. LMAO!!!..emma oooo...i know this was meant to be sad but gosh!!, i laughed and i felt for you at the same time.
    i know ive cried on the road bfr and wen u see someone to console you, its as if thats when a floodgate just opens and you begin narrating everything to d person...
    d reason why we can laff is bcos it's past and you can gist us about it
    ha!!..that tailor no dey ooo, ahn ahn

  8. Loooll. Its so funny. You actually cried for that?

    1. Hmn...frustration can make you do things you never imagined before. And the wedding was approaching, I was soo tense. Any outlet to release my emotions at that time was maximized.

  9. Aww, pele but lmao. Tailors can be very annoying. I haven't had tail-drama in like 3years though.

    Erm, so boo calmed you in the way only he can ba? *cough* okays *wink

  10. Eeya, i think i would have cried too if i were in your shoes. I'm also a cry cry baby so don't worry, you are not alone!

  11. Well, as for me, I don't find this funny. There are many things frustration like this could make you do. Whenever I am in this corner, I simply go to my room and turn it upside down to let the frustration out. Me, I don't even bother telling anybody, I know they will laugh me for it. I don't make mention of it at all...

    Don't mind that yeye tailor joor; most of them are always like that. I have learnt not to give them 'emergency-cloths'

    1. I have laughed at myself already, so when people laugh, it doesn't "pain me". Letting it out simply shows I am healed of it all.

  12. I can only imagine how frustrated you must have felt, it was natural for you to cry. Thank God hubby came to *save the day*
    still waiting for the post on the jeweleries, best wishes dearie.

    1. My love, I haven't forgotten at all. Thanks.

      Yes, it was a good thing he was there to deliver me. lol

  13. Ehyea. Pele dear. I can relate to your story. Apparently you are a very emotional person. My wife once broke into tears because she burnt the gown she was to wear for an event while ironing it. Meanwhile, she had other options o! I was so amused that she wept over something so insignificant but in time I understood that sometimes, we just can't control the waterfalls and the only sensible thing to do at times is just to let them flow. You hubby is definitely a great guy! Lucky you! My belated congrats on your wedding. Been off these parts for sometime.

    1. If you stop those waterfalls as you call it, you may actually be causing damage. You are right, the best thing to do is just try (and believe me it can be very hard) to understand. Later you can ask questions and laugh.

  14. Mikki took the words of my mouth LOL " i hate it when guys do that"

    But you certainly have a good man by your side!

    i also have tears in my eyes from all this laughing...

    Please do let us know how you sorted the dress emergency

    1. lol. Please wipe the tears ooo.

      I missed the wedding. After all the drama. Imagine!

  15. Eyah pele... i can relate i cried like that when my Nysc posting came late and i was told i had to wait a whole year and couldn't join my mates in camp after i tried everything (i don't know why till today)i was so frustrated and dissapointed that i was crying on the road like a baby as if someone

    PSS i tried to comment about ten times before i got it , please remove thw word verification thingy on your blog it's torture ...

    1. awww, pele. I truly understand. Its frustrating beyond explaining.

      Word verification, I didn't even know it was activated. Will see to that dear.

  16. I can relate, i can be a cry baby tooo. True sometimes the cry just give us some of release

  17. Don't mean to be a meanie - but I gotta laugh first! Nothing better than being able to look back at our lows and crack a smile.

    Great boo you got there, btw!

  18. I'm still laughing at you! U cried over a dress ke when its not ur wedding gown!lol

    1. Lol!

      If it was the wedding gown, maybe Linda Ikeji would have blogged about it. LOOOOLLLL!!!

  19. LMAO...Your boys reaction is priceless and typical. So funny. lol. I would have cried...I cried once because I could not find a tailor that could get a dress done for me in less than 2 weeks. I was a bridesmaid and I needed the dress. I cried like a baby, laid on my bathroom floor and sobbed. I finally found an Hispanic tailor and she almost killed me...I practically spend the night there so I can get my dress since I was flying out the next morning. pheww!

    1. Are you serious? you lay on the bathroom floor....I can actually picture you sobbing. Its not a nice picture...but its really funny. sorry love. *wink*

  20. First let me tell you that your story is so relate-able. I think next to traffic, tailors are the most incompetent and unreliable people. I'll tell you 1st hand as a designer. I like how you are able to turn something so frustrating into bare humor. Can imagine the frustration when you got into your dress and it was tight bad :*

    1. As in!!! You are a designer? I trust you don't make people cry like idiots sha? lol.

      Awww. Thanks. I try to laugh at myself always eases the tension.

      My apologies for just replying after like a year. I don't know how this comment passed by unnoticed.


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