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Questioning God, Insecticide drama and kindness

Hello lovely people. Its FRIDAYYYYYYYY! Such a big relief.

Thankfully there are no cobwebs this time...ok, just a musty smell. BUT I have been around, Been reading some blogs so I know a few things that have happened to some people. Its great to know that those who underwent surgery have recovered or are recovering, happy birthday in arrears to Myne. I have been reading some powerful episodes from Itunes, you gotta check it out.
I also discovered some new blogs and the bloggers (sweets, sleeick and much more)  have a witty sense of style that has you rolling on the floor, or craving for more.
I hope all the bloggers in the US are safe? I have been praying for you and I know it will be well with all your families.
I also want to say thank you to my new followers, I hope you enjoy the ride!!! 
Happy Sallah to all the Muslim faithfuls. So sorry this is coming late, but hey, better late than never, no?

Ok, I just had a strong desire to show face here. Why, I don't know, because I don't even know what to write. I am at a stage where things are spiralling out of my control. This is not so good as I like to be in charge of situations. But I do know that there is light at the end of whatever this is. I get worried at times, you know, ask (God) questions and all that. Sometimes I ask him if He is sure of what He is doing. Have you ever been in that situation? Its like am saying er..God, have you seen where this is leading? Don't you think you'll make a mess of it? But then I remember that He is GOD! Who else is capable of knowing the end from the beginning? Whenever I begin to feel that way, I feel Him smile at me and then I get this assurance that everything is going to be alright. somehow. Just because He is God.

Some of you may have seen it on twitter, so let me just put it here. A few Sunday's ago, I was running late for Church service, and T was already waiting for me in the car (I think he does it to make me feel guilty), so I was trying to be really fast. I was at my dresser, and I didn't even look up, I just grabbed a can and started spraying my hair. I sprayed the front then proceeded to spray the back of my hair and the centre in a very fast circular motion. As we do with hair sprays (ladies), I sprayed and sprayed without pausing until I started smelling something different. It wasn't the usual smell of my hairspray. I was horrified, and kept saying "no, no, no, no, no..." all the while my eyes were closed and I brought the bottle to my face, opened my eyes and guessed it. INSECTICIDE!

I almost passed out OMG! I had sprayed insecticide very generously on my hair. How was I going to sit in church? Who would even sit beside me? I didn't even realize I screamed until my hubby asked me what happened and I told him. Guess what the dude did, he laughed and took a step backwards. Lol! Anyway although I was tempted to just not go to church, I did. I picked up the the real hair spray, sprayed a massive amount of it on my hair to camoflauge the insecticide then I went for service. On my way there I told myself that the smell will dissipate gradully, just like it does when you spray your room. However after service (and after jests by many of my friends) I was advised  (by 2 special friends who happen to be namesakes and do not know themselves ) to wash it off my hair real quick, or it would make my hair fall out. Huh? Fall out ke? I rinsed the hair with a whole bucket of water, used my bath gel to scrub it, followed up with my entire bottle of shampoo and finally used my bathing soap for good measure. By the time I finished, my hair was squeaky. Lol!

On another random note, there is this old horologist (Ok, I exaggerate, he is just an old dude that fixes watches) down the road where I work. Everyday after a hard day at work and on my way home, I'll stop to greet him. (I just feel the dude should be retired and enjoying the benefits of his labour as a youth). At first the dude was surprised that I greeted him. He thought I needed my watch fixed, but I just smiled at him. Everyday I greeted him and he would look at me bashfully. Gradually, I noticed that whenever I approached his work area, he would stop whatever he was doing to greet me and ask how my day went. Yesterday, I was so engrossed, and I wasn't looking his way. He called out to me. I was pleasantly surprised. He noted that I had closed earlier than usual and asked if all was well. I just felt very happy, like finally, he had gained confidence in "our friendship" and I had drawn him out of his shell. lol!

I though I said I didn't have anything to write about? *shrug*

Have a great weekend people and don't forget to do something good to someone and for someone.



  1. True, sometimes in life things get so confusing that I question God too. I have learnt over time amidst tears sometimes to pray, do what I can and let God fix the rest. Even though it feels like he's late but then He is GOD he's never late, He knows where its all going to end. When I get to this point I smile, dry my tears and wait for Him to work the mess. So dear, that situation spinning out of control, I'm sure he is at the centre of it already working it out.

    The insecticide drama still gets me loling. Sorry. So you had to use bath gel, shampoo n your get it squeaky clean? Thank God the insecticide isn't some chemical that falls hair out instantly ...hahahahaha. Half of your hair would have fallen out now. (Don't mind me jare, that was a silly attempt at bringing humour to your friday)*smiles*

    Enjoy your weekend dear.

    1. Lol...
      I had to make the hair clean oooo. I don't want to get old before my time now. lol

      You are very right about it all. God is never late and He is never early too. He is always right on time and will never ever give us more than we can handle.

      God bless you dear!

  2. omg! Ema, you've killed me with laughter with that insecticide story... Eyaaa... pele! but you sef eh, how can you grab and start using like that eh? lol oh my sista! still laughing... but seriously, thank God the chemical in the insecticide did not affect your hair.

  3. least I didn't cry this time around.
    My dear I was rushing ooo, I don't even know how the insecticide got there in the 1st instance.
    I thank God I haven't gone bald now. Not that I plan to do so in the future sha.

  4. Good to have you back Mrs.Tony.Well,we all have that time when we question God or just want to know what He's doing behind the scene.But truth is He's always God and always wants the best for us.You're doing a good job with the watch repairer aka horologist,he probably never had someone act friendly without wanting anything and you give him that.

    1. I couldn't agree more about God wanting the best for us at all times.
      Nice perspective about the watch guy. Didn't see it that way. thanks

  5. Insec what? LOL wow

    @horologist, it reminds me of the saying that dont move so fast in life that you dont pause and say hello to those around..good stuff lady :)

    1. lol...

      Like rushing so much that you can't smell the flowers around you. Thanks love

  6. The horologist story is so touching. Little gestures go a long way.

    Lol at the insecticide. I guess you even over-reacted

    1. A very long way.
      Over-reacted ke? wouldn't you have done worse?

  7. OMD!!!
    I actually pictured u spraying the insecticide and then bringing ur hand down in slow mo and screaming out loud.

    Hey...dnt blame ur v laughd harder@my boo (dnt tell... :)

    And d horologist...inspiring...

    Wonderful piece Ema...
    n thanks for the mention...mucho gracias.

    1. lol..very graphic picture.
      I'll definitely tell, better bribe me :)
      Thanks a lot dearie.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Everyone asks questions. At some point in our lives we question God. I'm sure you should know me as a regular. I'm even doing that right now (lol) but I know he's got everything all in control.
    I can just imagine the smell of insecticide on your hair. Lol. Pele. Your own is even small, I know of some1 who mistakenly used hair relaxer on his body thinking it was body cream. Lolllz. May God not allow us drink ground pepper thinking it is fruit juice o. Lol.

  10. ehen?????
    Relaxer as body cream????? OMG!!! #dead!!!
    lol @ May God not allow us drink ground pepper thinking it is fruit juice ...that will be the day. hehehehehe

  11. Insecticide??? *stifles laughter* Woulda thot you were set up - but on second thoughts, .........

    Big fan of "random" friendships too!

  12. Your story with the watch repairer is so cute, a sweet roundoff to the hilarious drama of the insecticide spray. Take care and have a lovely weekend.

  13. Nice piece here.
    Yes sure sometimes its feels like God doesn't make sense but then, He is still God He has gud plans for His own.
    *coversface* @ insecticde hairspray but spray starch would hv been better u know! *winks* thank God u got it all washed off. But wait u shld hv consulted me and I'll recommend hypo bleach for washing off d insecticide.rotfl*

    Sure d smile is just wat d horologist needs to have a great day. Same goes to us all. A kind sincere smile goes a looooooooong way in healing, remoulding, giving hope and saving lives. #whew# am fast becoming a blogger ooo. Lol

  14. Insecticide! You have made my morning, I would have totally freaked out.
    About questioning God, I feel like i'm right there, the only comfort I have for now, is that He has our best interest at heart. For my good and His glory.

  15. Hmm... Morale of the insecticide story - read instructions before use and don't get ready for church in a Dem no de wear earring for eye, and dem no de dance kpalongo for 3rd mainland This one na God save you keke! kpele. Best wishes

  16. lol... Insecticide now i am thinking i should be careful too... lol.. hope you had a good weekend

  17. Bruhahhaha...can't believe you sprayed that on your hair.

  18. I'm glad you didn't let it stop you from going to church. That's the spirit my sister, I almost made this mistake sometime back but i realised immediately because I was facing a mirror. I think you should change the location of your insecticide to avoid future occurences.

    I'm also in a helpless phase now that all I can do is just trust God. Whoever said trusting God was easy? He just always gives us the grace to be strong.

  19. Mehnnnnnn, sorry about the insecticide hair spray incidence. Funny, but so not funny considering you were on your way out. Very thoughtful of you to always reach out to the elderly man. Kind gestures go a long way and you don't know how much you have helped to daily brighten his life.

  20. We all question God at some point in our lives but,whenever i get to that point,i remember His word that says;"For I know the thoughts that I think toward
    you, said the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end." So He is God and He is never late.. Have a blessed weekend

  21. Lmaoooo.....oh God!!!! Lmaaaoooo. I would have gone beserk. Kai! Lmaaaooo

  22. I once used a bath wash as body cream for more than a month...even my friends used it with me...when I found out I never told anyone till now that I am typing this.

    The insecticide story made my day.

  23. reminded me of a girl who used 'Veet' for her front her in secondary school for a boyish look, but lost her front hair. To think she was very intelligent. Couldnt she read?

    Good thing you can laugh about it. Heheheh

  24. Maybe a good laugh looking back on it - do look after yourself!

    And it's good to see what a little kindness can do.

  25. How now? everything ok? oyah come and blog biko.
    our deal still stands ok? expect a call from me pretty soonest.

  26. seriously sprayed insecticide in your hair?!
    there has to be something in the Bible against Jk!
    Very hilarious :)


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