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Stop Stealing

Stealing is stealing no matter what it is that is been taken.

I'll tell you why in a minute, but I want to emphasize that stealing is stealing. If you take someones property when the person is unaware, without the intention of informing the person then Congratulations!!!! You have just become a thief. Be it a book, a phone, a wife (or a blog post something as little as a pen, whatever it is. You will be branded a thief. Don't think its just the Nigerian politicians who embezzle funds, or the armed robber who steals and kills for personal gain. Come to think of it, even Robbin Hood was a thief. Ha. I didn't see that one coming.

In a way, I'm chastising myself and all others. . First, I'd tell you why I chastised myself. I went to my blog to reply Toin's comment and then I went through the post again and saw that I didn't reference the picture I put up. Now truth be told, I usually forget to do so, but somehow, I just decided to go back and acknowledge my source. (Thank God I did that because I'm sure y'all would have been calling me a thief by now in your heads). Anyway, I acknowledged the source and updated the post. After which I decided to "brazz"* the Internet for interesting articles to read. So I stumbled on a link and saw more than one of my blog posts on someone Else's blog. I had started reading it when I realized that it was way too familiar. I think it would only have been nice for the person to inform me about it  and  acknowledge me in the post from the very beginning. Sadly, that wasn't the case. I think its wrong. Plain wrong to do so. 


As a matter of fact when @tilola wrote something of that effect in March (read it here) my first thought was I hardly even update my blog, who would steal from me? But now i realize that its serious and its not funny at all.

Well, the good thing is I have put up another post this month, thanks to the post theft. Now talk about being motivated. your face. Lol.

*Brazz- Means to browse 


  1. I am guilty of always forgetting to acknowledge my source. Thanks for the reminder!

    1. You're welcome dear. I have the same challenge as well. I hope this serves as a lasting reminder to me to always do so.

  2. I just left Lohi's page and she's also complaining of plagiarism. #sigh

  3. The issue is getting out of hand.People don't care for acknowledging other people's works anymore.

    1. :(
      Is there anything that can be done about it?


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