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I bet some of you thought abiku* things were synonymous with humans alone? Well, I am here to confuse and not convince you that Abikuism occurs in the inanimate world as well.

By the way how many of you were in the debate club in primary school? I hope you never actually confused the listeners? I remember one debate my sister and I watched on one of those children's programs on TV years back. The poor debater had been made to cram his argument and he got stuck from the onset. He began this way: Good day panel of judges, accurate time keeper...and my listeners  (in whatever order it is, forgive me but "my teachers didn't teach me"). I am here to support the motion that "polygamy is better than monogamy". Polygamy-". Alas, my very bright student lost steam and had to start all over from his greeting again. Yes, all the way from "good day panel of judges...". The sad thing is that he did this about 3 times before the time keeper intervened as his time was up. I really felt the boys pain as I'm sure he must have gone over his speech numerous times. But sadly, at the time it mattered most, he couldn't deliver. So sad. However, this didn't stop Eky and I from laughing our heads off. Boy, did we laugh till we cried.
Blimey, now I'm actually confused. Where was I headed again? Ah, abiku things.

The other day I had to send out an email urgently to my boss. I knew the Internet subscription at home had expired, so I decided to use my MTN mobile hotspot to send the email. I turned on the service and tried to send the document, it didn't leave my outbox. I did everything I could, but the document just refused to budge. So I decided to send it to my tablet and send it out from there. Alas, no subscription. (like that document was destined not to leave my laptop. I realized I didn't have credit on my phone, so I buzzed Eky for VTU which she sent instantly. (God bless you sis). I resent and the document finally left my outbox (can I get an Amen?) lol. As soon as I confirmed that it had been sent, I turned off the hotspot to save my credit. 

Little did I know that the credit was an Abiku. I had a balance of  over N2,000 on my phone as at when I turned on the hotspot. In the 2 minutes it took me to send out the email, MTN had helped themselves to my credit and left me with N102. Hmn, it did me like magic. I had to check my balance again and the time to confirm that I didn't actually get carried away and spend one hour browsing. I began lamenting. "I neva pay for the VTU, the tin con dissapear". I buzzed my sister to be sure she sent me the credit and she was like "stop whining and buy another one" I retorted "another one ko another one ni. I'm not paying you for any abiku credit". She just started laughing. I honestly don't know where the "abiku" thing came from, but it was so apt... Abiku in this context means something that isn't meant to last.

Anyway, long story short, I got through to MTN's customer care and lodged a complaint. I was told to call back after an hour. I called back and I got my credit back. Halleluyah somebody.
I guess this post shouldn't be called àbiku credit after all, but I like the sound of it. Hehehe.

Many thanks to all of you who didn't abandon the blog like I shamelessly did. Special shout out to Saima who came here every single day hoping for a new post. I am really thankful and humbled.
New followers, I see you. Many thanks. 

*Abiku in this context means something that won't last.


  1. I totally remember those debate shows and debate days. I was in my class team for debates in primary school, and I totally crammed my lines. Thank God I never forgot them maybe it was all the lentils and fish I ate growing up.
    MTN and their disappearing credit. Lucky you, you got reimbursed.

    1. I'm telling you. I wasn't any good at cramming, so I never ventured there at all.
      I'm glad I got my credit back. Everyone I spoke with told me it was a "forgotten" issue. I was their ambassador that day. lol

  2. Well, you got your credit back, lol...

  3. I can just imagine ur rage when u saw that ur credit had gone from N2,000 to N102...HIAN! I for don trek go MTN office go meet dem o, e easy to c dat kain money? Especially wen na end of month tins...Lol. God no go allow person get high BP cos of mtn for dis country.

  4. hmmmm,nice post and i love the story line.really felt for the primary school crammer.

  5. poor primary school crammer..i feel for the young man..


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