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Reflections and Wins: Celebrating Small Moments

As I reflected on my past week, I found myself about to label it as “nothing special”. But then, like a flash, a flood of special moments came to mind. That’s when I realized something important—our small wins often get brushed off as “just part of the routine.”  For so long, I didn’t think anything I did was worth celebrating. Not out of self-doubt, but because I figured, “If I can do it, it must not be that difficult,” and assumed anyone else could do the same. I’m beginning to change that mindset. I’m learning to stop and  smell the flowers —whether it’s one lone bloom or a whole bouquet. I’m embracing self-love, valuing my efforts, enjoying my own company, and sharing the lessons I’ve learned. This year, I’m choosing to be kinder to myself. As I took a moment to look back at the week, I felt grateful for so many things. From the small joys—laughter, grace, strength—to the bigger ones—life itself, accomplishments at work, victories in the battle of wits with my kids, love, ...
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Add Some Salt!

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Friends and strangers

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Of puzzles and tapestries

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