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Reflections and Wins: Celebrating Small Moments

As I reflected on my past week, I found myself about to label it as “nothing special”. But then, like a flash, a flood of special moments came to mind. That’s when I realized something important—our small wins often get brushed off as “just part of the routine.” 

For so long, I didn’t think anything I did was worth celebrating. Not out of self-doubt, but because I figured, “If I can do it, it must not be that difficult,” and assumed anyone else could do the same. I’m beginning to change that mindset. I’m learning to stop and smell the flowers—whether it’s one lone bloom or a whole bouquet. I’m embracing self-love, valuing my efforts, enjoying my own company, and sharing the lessons I’ve learned. This year, I’m choosing to be kinder to myself.

As I took a moment to look back at the week, I felt grateful for so many things. From the small joys—laughter, grace, strength—to the bigger ones—life itself, accomplishments at work, victories in the battle of wits with my kids, love, and even checking off items from my to-do list.

Speaking of to-do lists, I’m genuinely excited about crossing things off. It feels like a mini victory every time. It’s funny, but even the little things have become milestones for me now. Let me explain.

Last year, my to-do lists were mostly work-related or tasks I had to do for others. I felt too overwhelmed and completely drained to want to do things for myself. Life seemed to just happen, and I was too tired to fight it. I hated the feeling of spiraling out of control, but I didn’t know how to break free from it. I just moved through the motions, letting each day pass without making intentional changes.

But this year, I wanted a new path. As they say, it’s foolish to keep doing the same thing and expect different results. So, I made a plan. I know it's early in the year, and there aren’t many milestones to share yet, but even the small things I’ve crossed off my list show me that planning is key for growth.

I didn’t just plan for the year—I got myself an accountability partner (shoutout to Mrs. I!) to make sure I don't derail. We meet weekly to review our goals, strategize, and check in on progress. The power of having someone to motivate you is undeniable, and thanks to her, I’m tackling things I didn’t have the energy for last year.

This week, I learned something important. I’ve always believed that questions are asked because something isn’t clear. But after having kids, I found my patience for certain questions wearing thin (don’t judge me, exhaustion is real!). One day, as I was finishing dinner prep after a long day at work, my 7-year-old asked if he could have some shrimp. I hadn’t cooked it yet, so I told him it was still raw. His next question: "Can I eat it?" I said, “No, because you don’t eat raw food.” Then came, “Why?” I was tired, assuming he was just trying to get on my nerves, so I told him to go play with his toys. 

We enjoyed the meal ☺☺☺ 

I saw the slight droop in his shoulders as he walked away, and it hit me—what if he was genuinely curious, not being cheeky? I called him back and asked, “Do you really not know why we shouldn’t eat raw food?” He nodded. I hugged him and explained, and he had a few more questions before running off to his room.

It reminded me how easily we can jump to conclusions and act based on assumptions that may not be true. If you find yourself in a similar situation, take a step back and reassess. It’s okay to correct course and do better. And if your assumptions were right, well, you’re doing great!

How did your week go? Do you take time to reflect on what you accomplished, what you could have done better, or what you’re grateful for? Do you celebrate your wins, big or small? Or do you rush through the week like nothing has changed? Remember, being kind to yourself is so important.

 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” – Philippians 4:6-7


I hope your week is full of laughter, love and light!


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