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So long no blog post

Wow! Its been 2 years since my last blog post here. Well, not 2 full years, but really close. 
If anyone had told me I would take a break from blogging, I would have laughed them in the face. 
For me, blogging was like a lifeline I desperately needed back when I took it up. It wasn't for fame or anything (haha, I wish I had the drive of my fellow bloggers back then), it was just a mode of release for me. I found my path and purpose through blogging...well, I like to think this. I would get lost in articles and people's posts. I found expression here, found friends, found a different time zone where I wasn't afraid of anything or anyone. 
In my blog followers, I found family. Thank you to all of you who may still see this post. Thank you for those awesome years!

I came back here for some selfish reasons though.

While life happened- (I got married, I had a baby, my work got more intense and needed more of my time, I started a business, I had more job responsibilities, I started another business, I had another baby...on and on so managing my own time was something I needed to learn all over)- deep down, I still wrote my posts in my head. I would have the first 2 paragraphs properly drafted then I would just not be able to go on. I know I still want to have an avenue to express myself and creating a new blog wasn't really very appealing. I decided to come back here remembering the great times we had together.
I know my content will change- I see life in a pretty different way now- But I'm more than ready to give it a shot.

Another reason I came back here is because I want my 2019 to be as impact driven as I can make it. I started this year with all sorts of plans and being intentional about everything is very high on that list. One of the to-do's for the year was to revamp my blog...
I honestly can't say I will be as funny, or interesting as I used to be, but I intend to try regardless of how difficult it may be. 
I also came back because of the good people (friends, family and people who reached out to me) who kept pushing me to come back. I am so humbled to think that my writing made a little part of your day back then and hope beyond hope that this new journey will be very worth your while. 

As I type, I just had a long day and a gruelling 7 hour plus of successful brainstorming sessions with my colleagues. My babies are sound asleep on this juicy hotel bed and here I am trying to keep up with my 2019 goal of blogging. I honestly want to delete that 2019 goal line conveniently, but I am a natural fighter! I do not plan to give up so easily. 

Anyway, here's a toast to a year full of great ideas, impact driven choices and of course love, laughter and light!

I love you so much.



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