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Showing posts from 2019

Q2 2019

It seemed like it was just last month we were wishing each other a happy new month, listing out all new year resolutions, making promises and dreaming super grandiose dreams for ourselves this year.  Now with a snap of our fingers, we are in the 4th month and counting.  How did time fly by so fast? Did you really make plans or goals for 2019? How was Q1 for you? Did you meet up? Can you rate yourself? These are a few of the many questions I ask myself as I journey through this month of April.  I actually didn't want my 2019 to be like my 2018. (2018 was a good year, it was the year I realized if I wanted different results, I really needed to up my game. I wrote down my goals for 2018, but I didn't list out the actionable steps to actually achieve them. So I knew what I wanted, but I didn't have clear steps to get there). I wanted to have a clear pathway and identify different routes to get there.  This is my dedicated goal book for 2019. I refe...

Cairo Diaries- March 2019

Hello April! It's so good to see you. April is such a lovely month for me- So many birthdays- my mum, my husband, my amazing friend, another great friend and so many others I can't even count. For me April just reminds me of soft flowers and beautiful times. Chris and I at the concluding Dinner at AUC So, I'm sharing details of my recent trip to Cairo, Egypt. I had a week off work  to go to Cairo to attend a summit by the African Women Entrepreneurship Cooperative (AWEC). AWEC organized a year long Business training for 200 Women all Africans (including those in Diaspora and it was a mind blowing experience. They engaged us for a whole 12 months and taught us basic prinicples of business, took us through everything we need to know and provided us with seasoned experts who gave us everything we need just to grow our businesses FOR FREE! Yep, you got that right, it was all at no cost to us. To crown all these we gathered mid-year (in September 2018) in Kigali, Rwa...

Malaria or hunger?

Yesterday, my son was a bit warm to touch and acting all clingy. I decided to pay closer attention to him all day to see if we would get any surprises. By noon, he was super cranky and I had to take him to bed and lay with him for a bit till he slept off. While lying with him, I saw a friends’ whatsapp stories and she put up this hilarious picture which got me in stitches. About an hour plus later, he woke up and was really grouchy. No high temperature, nothing was off. Usually, he drinks lots of water, but he didn’t any water so that got me a bit alarmed.   I tried every trick I know to get him to eat because I knew he was hungry, he just kept refusing and kept crying louder. I had offered pap, cereal, fizzy drinks, ribenna, biscuits, a sandwich, rice but he was having none of it. I decided to fry some eggs because he likes to eat fried eggs. As soon as he saw me coming in with a plate, he came to me, sat down and waited for me to cut it up and opened his mouth to ...

#Yousmellnice and other "tinz"

Whoever said blogging was an easy job didn't tell the absolute truth! Haha, I've been telling myself I need to come up here to the blog and put up a post, but I've not had any inspiration whatsoever. All I've had are snippets of my convos with Tey and though very entertaining, are not the stuff blog stories are made of. So what do I write? Aside work, home and the struggle to run my business with very little time,  I don't even know where all the time goes. How then can I write? Speaking of time, I've been trying to do a newsletter for the business but it really has been very time consuming. I'm currently using issuu (used it a lot a while back) but I'm open to new suggestions that are easier and better too. Your suggestions will be very helpful. Meanwhile, I ventured into Twittersville the other day and I stumbled upon the #Yousmellnice trend. It's super hilarious if you ask me. The HR lady didn't have to be so uptight about it (Given,...

Fresh start

For you who has lost yourself loving another. I don't know who I am anymore.  I think I have forgotten who I used to be. What I used to be... I had always been a very confident person. Cock sure of what I wanted. I knew who I was so there was no cowering at anytime. I was vivacious and bold. Daring...but now I am a pitiable shell of what I used to be. How did I let go of myself?  Where did I get lost? How did I become this soft blob? Where did I switch my identity? I look at my image in the mirror and what I see scares me. When did I become that kind of woman? That woman who hates to see her body because of its many imperfections. The same imperfections I used to wink at and say "I love you regardless"? When did I cower in shame at myself? Why do I suddenly see all the warts on me? When did I start to look for validation from another? Why do I cower in shame when he comes in and I am naked? How on earth did I get to this point? I still remember how we couldn'...

So long no blog post

Wow! Its been 2 years since my last blog post here. Well, not 2 full years, but really close.  If anyone had told me I would take a break from blogging, I would have laughed them in the face.  For me, blogging was like a lifeline I desperately needed back when I took it up. It wasn't for fame or anything (haha, I wish I had the drive of my fellow bloggers back then), it was just a mode of release for me. I found my path and purpose through blogging...well, I like to think this. I would get lost in articles and people's posts. I found expression here, found friends, found a different time zone where I wasn't afraid of anything or anyone.  In my blog followers, I found family. Thank you to all of you who may still see this post. Thank you for those awesome years! I came back here for some selfish reasons though. While life happened- (I got married, I had a baby, my work got more intense and needed more of my time, I started a business, I had more job responsi...