It seemed like it was just last month we were wishing each other a happy new month, listing out all new year resolutions, making promises and dreaming super grandiose dreams for ourselves this year. Now with a snap of our fingers, we are in the 4th month and counting. How did time fly by so fast? Did you really make plans or goals for 2019? How was Q1 for you? Did you meet up? Can you rate yourself? These are a few of the many questions I ask myself as I journey through this month of April. I actually didn't want my 2019 to be like my 2018. (2018 was a good year, it was the year I realized if I wanted different results, I really needed to up my game. I wrote down my goals for 2018, but I didn't list out the actionable steps to actually achieve them. So I knew what I wanted, but I didn't have clear steps to get there). I wanted to have a clear pathway and identify different routes to get there. This is my dedicated goal book for 2019. I refe...
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