Whoever said blogging was an easy job didn't tell the absolute truth!
Haha, I've been telling myself I need to come up here to the blog and put up a post, but I've not had any inspiration whatsoever. All I've had are snippets of my convos with Tey and though very entertaining, are not the stuff blog stories are made of.
So what do I write? Aside work, home and the struggle to run my business with very little time, I don't even know where all the time goes. How then can I write?
Speaking of time, I've been trying to do a newsletter for the business but it really has been very time consuming. I'm currently using issuu (used it a lot a while back) but I'm open to new suggestions that are easier and better too. Your suggestions will be very helpful.
Meanwhile, I ventured into Twittersville the other day and I stumbled upon the #Yousmellnice trend. It's super hilarious if you ask me. The HR lady didn't have to be so uptight about it (Given, we don't know "how" he said it too). She didn't have to also go to Twitter to put that up.
On the other hand, the interviewee didn't have to say "you smell nice". People take compliments wrongly and this is clearly the case here.
Anyway, I have learned not to say "you smell nice" anymore, if I have to give a compliment I'd rather say "your perfume smells really good" or "the perfume suits you well" and hope that the person I'm complimenting won't take it the wrong way! Haha, life really shouldn't be this complicated.
I hope your week has been very good so far? What have you been up to? Please don't go about telling people they smell nice above all else.
Haha, I've been telling myself I need to come up here to the blog and put up a post, but I've not had any inspiration whatsoever. All I've had are snippets of my convos with Tey and though very entertaining, are not the stuff blog stories are made of.
So what do I write? Aside work, home and the struggle to run my business with very little time, I don't even know where all the time goes. How then can I write?
Speaking of time, I've been trying to do a newsletter for the business but it really has been very time consuming. I'm currently using issuu (used it a lot a while back) but I'm open to new suggestions that are easier and better too. Your suggestions will be very helpful.
Meanwhile, I ventured into Twittersville the other day and I stumbled upon the #Yousmellnice trend. It's super hilarious if you ask me. The HR lady didn't have to be so uptight about it (Given, we don't know "how" he said it too). She didn't have to also go to Twitter to put that up.
On the other hand, the interviewee didn't have to say "you smell nice". People take compliments wrongly and this is clearly the case here.
Anyway, I have learned not to say "you smell nice" anymore, if I have to give a compliment I'd rather say "your perfume smells really good" or "the perfume suits you well" and hope that the person I'm complimenting won't take it the wrong way! Haha, life really shouldn't be this complicated.
I hope your week has been very good so far? What have you been up to? Please don't go about telling people they smell nice above all else.
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