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One day at a time...

OK, this time around I am serious. I need to shed these extra pounds. Not for anyone, but for myself. Its been a hard battle, but I really need to do this. For me. For my sanity and my self esteem. I am tired of looking so hard to find things I like and want. Things that fit. Did I also mention that most of my friends are petite? I do not feel inferior in anyway, but I think I am tired of being odd!!! Besides, I do not want to develop a health challenge before I start doing something about it.

I have come to the realization that if I can discipline myself in all other areas of my life; Academics, relationships, finances... then I should be able to do same for myself in terms of my appearance.

This video below has inspired me to. (Not that I am that fat anyway, but if care is not taken, I may end up that way...after all, its little drops that finally make a mighty ocean)

Moreover, I read a blog yesterday by Mamuje about how she climbed Mt Kilimanjaro for self accomplishment...I must confess that although I would rather watch from a distance... I was inspired to "climb my own "mountain" too.

Wish me luck and happy viewing!!!

P.S- I hope it inspires you to overcome that thing that has proved to be a mountain before you too!


  1. Good luck with weight loss
    I will be cheering from the sidelines.........and eating cake!!! LOL

  2. Good luck: Always remember that weight loss is a journey, you have to do it one day at a time.

  3. Haha @ N.I.L...that's not fair at all!
    @9jaFOODie...something i will do well to remember...
    thanks a lot

  4. Mamjue is a lady. All the best in your endeavour

  5. i started the journey to lose weight last monday, so far i have spent 12 hours in total at the gym and i have also reduced my portions.

    Good luck

  6. thanks Ilola...made the correction
    @Doll..wish you the best too dear!

  7. Geez,ain't it a tiny world.We went to the same school,i know doll a popular blogger....what else? we all kno blogger lollllll.Its good to see u again.On the weight loss,its a day at a healthy,live healthy,be healthy.(Gosh,why am i trying to be some health expert).i picked anonymous cuz i can't remember my google password.(winks)

  8. Nice one.You know as an information technologist,i know the first step to solving a problem is identifying it and you've done exactly that.Just continue in the steps and you'd emerge victorious.

  9. Thanks a lot 9ja-Great.
    I am already encouraged by you guys, and I must confess I feel lighter already! Seriously!! :)

  10. Goodluck with your new resolve dear. I'm with u on this one. Like a friend of mine often says and I quote: "Losing weight is like being born-again: work at it day-by-day until it becomes a way of life".

  11. All the best...step by step, dear.

  12. Ema!!! Good You wanna lose those extra pounds for you. U can do it dear although its not gonna be easy but U gotta Push!! we seem to have alot in Common, 1st it was the Foundation u want to set up and now U wanna climb Kili?? Thats Nice :).

  13. Thanks a lot Vicky, H and Didi...climb Kili ke? am very lazy ooo!


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