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My Whirlwind Weekend

Hello Fam.
I trust you had a great weekend like I did? Yes? #high five.....No? too bad...Next weekend will definitely be better.
I came here to tell you all about my weekend. It was a whirlwind of activities. I learned valuable lessons too.

On Saturday morning, I woke up and just felt like a fight!
Seriously, I don't know why, but I needed to get the fight out of me. Who else to unleash it on except my darling T? The poor dude was still sleeping, so I woke him up with a tap. If only he knew what was coming his way, he probably wouldn't have answered me. Hahaha.
Anyway, I asked him to please pamper me (trouble dey sleep oo, yanga go wake am). He looked at me like I had lost my marbles. So I calmly repeated my request. I told him I needed to feel pampered. I wanted him to buy me stuff just because, take me out every time and especially when I make a request, cook for me and all that. My husband looked like he was in a nightmare. He asked if I was ok? and I got up in a huff and stormed into the bathroom. I stopped talking to him at that point.

My sister Eky came to pick me up from my house about 10 ish to go to hers as we had a few things to sort out at her  place. As always, we found ourselves heading to Balogun Market. She picked up a few things and we left to go to her house. I had a good time there and before I knew it, it was time for T to come pick me up. I think I forgot to mention that I wasn't talking to him at this point

On our way back, he asked me what I wanted to have for lunch. I told him I wasn't hungry meanwhile, I was very hungry, but my pride wouldn't allow me. I mentally planned to rustle up something when we got home. Upon getting home, I went straight to bed, I was totally exhausted. My plan was to lie in for 30 minutes tops then go find what to eat. Next thing I knew, I woke up after 2 hours. Actually, my stomach was growling at this point. I just walked to the kitchen and took a handful of garri, added milk and sugar and enjoyed my simple quick fix meal (I love garri with milk btw) in the palour while T was watching something on TV.So after my meal, I went back to the room to just chill and probably watch TV and just when I was very comfortable (that sweet point when sleep creeps in) T came into the room to remind me about the Spirit of David's "Man on Fire Show". So I got up and got dressed. I looked nice if I must say so myself, and was waiting for T to comment. The bobo no even look my side. To get his attention, I started taking selfies...He just didn't grab the scope. He walked to the car and was waiting for me to come in. I got in and we went for the show. The show was amazing! I can't even start describing each act but I know I'm not going to miss the next one!
During the Show, T tried placing his hands on my chair. Automatically, that would have been my cue to cuddle up, but these were not normal circumstances, so I stiffened my spine and sat up. (Na wa ooo, before before, he used to beg me wella, now my tricks have become old and I have to develop new ones :). Like very quickly too)
So after the show we briefly stopped to say hello to a few people we knew and went our way. I still wasn't talking, but I had enough manners to say thank you (yep, I was raised well after all). After a while, he was like "Are you still fighting with me?" I said yes. We kept driving on in silence. By the time we got home, I got down from the car, but not before he asked if I was still fighting him. I said yes while trying to shut the door. Hmn, my brethren, that's when I knew that you don't fight with children of God! Not that I am not a child of God, but I looked for trouble deliberately. In the process of trying to shut the door, my right thumb refused to leave it, somehow the hand got jammed in when the door was slammed shut. Mehnnnn! I saw the sun, the moon, all the mountains, valleys and the rivers in this world. The pain entered my brain and I couldn't even scream. At the same time, I peed on myself instantly. The pain was out of this world abeg. Nice man that he is, he wound down the glass to ask if I was ok, I just mumbled a reply and ran into the house. I ran to the toilet to empty what was left in my bladder and I was lamenting to myself. I was in that state when he came in and saw me. The first thing he said was "you peed on yourself?" I could only nod a yes, then he smiled and asked if I was ok. I nodded in the affirmative then he left me to do my business. I cleaned up and went straight to bed.
Sunday morning, I woke up and decided not to fight again, I didn't even have the strength. So I tapped him awake again. This time, he opened just one eye to look at me, then when he saw that I didn't have my fighting face on, he opened both eyes and asked if I slept well, I said yes. I asked if he did too, and he said yes. Then I told him to tell me sorry. The sleep cleared from his eyes. He was like "babe, are we going through this again?" I said no, but that he had to tell me sorry for all that happened yesterday.
T: Sorry?

Me:  Yes. Say sorry. You made me go hungry yesterday, I almost lost a thumb and I cried myself to sleep.

T: How did I cause any of that?

Me: Just say sorry. If not, I will fight you dirty today and it wont be funny.

T: I will tel you sorry, but you have to apologize to me first.

Me: What? Apologize? What for???

T: For not talking to me all through yesterday.

Me; I roll my eyes and huff.

T: Ok, I'm sorry.

Me: Ok. I have heard.

He looks up in surprise, and starts laughing. He already knew I wasn't going to apologize at all.

Me: I don't want to fight with you again. Its hard to stop myself from telling you things. I'm sorry for being difficult too. I can't promise it wont happen again, but I will do my best.
T just smiled at that point....

We got ready for church. Attended first service left church. We were on our way to my parents when he got hit by a taxi driver for Orange Cab.  The taxi guy hit a Merc, and was probably trying to speed away when he brushed the car. We ended up wasting 2 hours just arguing and talking and asking for the way forward. Finally let go when we realized that the owner of the Merc wouldn't release the taxi to us to hold as surety.

Still made it home to my parents place, had a good time, then stopped over at the Kuye's residence where we had delicious dinner. Mrs. K made a delicious pot of Chicken stew with crabs and white rice. So nice, I had to take a bowl of the stew home. 
As I was preparing T's lunch bag against Monday, I asked innocently if he wanted Mrs. K's stew or mine for his lunch. Next thing i heard was "Alakoba"! So I was like "excuse me?" and he said, "So you want me to say her stew, then you will find who to fight with abi? So you will say later that -he chose her stew over mine.-Hmn, I know what will happen, and I don't want to deal with it. Please I want your stew. I just burst out laughing.  What can I say? Men learn very fast!!!! (adjusts halo)

In all it was a good day.

I am very pleased to announce that there were no misfortunes (to me) after that.

Big lesson learned- Don't go looking for trouble...It always comes back to you in a nasty way.

Have a great week ahead people!


  1. God is not mocked whatsoever you sow, you will reap.

    No dey find trouble and no more mishaps.

    I don't want to worry too much about you

  2. LOL. I enjoyed reading this!

    Can't stop laughing!!

  3. :( You removed the G+ commenting, and now we have to verify :( I shall manage laidat :)

  4. Blessings...
    Well it seems your husband knows you well and knows to just wait you out. How's your thumb?

  5. "Are you okay?" That question always does the trick. ROTFL

    Mehn,..... See drama oh! Everything, "just because"!

    The beauty of it all is your both being sure it'll happen again - and also knowing it'll be worth some laughter whenever it does! Try not to lose your finger [or plumbing] in the next episode oh! :D



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