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My Seeing Glasses

The strangest thing happened to me this morning.
I woke up after a really bad night and discovered my “seeing” glasses was not in the usual spot.  I call them seeing because that’s what I use them for not just for reading. Let me give you a little bit of history- If I do not have my glasses (or contacts) on my day will be miserable because I won’t see things or people. I am kinda short-sighted. So it means I get to squint a lot and miss out on activities all around me, not to even talk of people look at me strangely because they will think I am snubbing them.

I remember one incidence way back when me and my sisters stayed  together in Bar Beach Towers. I heard a noise from my sleep and I just scrambled up from the bed without my glasses and tried to dash out of the room. Thankfully, my sister had locked the door and burglary proof if not I would have probably stumbled and fallen down the stairs as I wouldn’t have seen what was in my way. Anyway, I digress. Ok, now back to the story.

I first used my hand to reach out to the usual spot which is the pillow just beside my head. No show. Then I raised the pillow and searched. Nothing. I went to the back of my pillow, Under my pillow. Nothing. I moved myself out of the way, still no show. I got up and searched the bed. Moved over to the Hubz side, ransacked the whole bed, still nothing. I went to the bathroom to ask him if he helped me “put it in a safe place” he said no. So I asked him to please help me look for it as I couldn't see without it. He was forming busy so I calmly told him that if he didn't help me look for it, I wouldn't make his morning toast. Boy, did that motivate him or what? He promptly came over to my side of the bed and started searching. At that time I was asking myself, how a pair of glasses just move away just like that. I went to my bedside drawer to get out my spare so I could save some time. I got the shock of my life. The case was empty. No spare glasses. I started panicking. How on earth was I going to go to work today? I still had my contacts but I really didn't want to use them as I had worn them for over 2 months and really needed my eyes to breathe. I should have been taking them off each day, but my shakara was plenty, so I wore them on and on till I woke up one day and discovered my right eye had a red spot. No one told me before I quickly removed them and wore my “igo” back jare.

Anyway, I was left with no other choice but to make use of the contact lens. And now I know that it will take me seeing another red spot for me to remove them again. I am just vain like that. J

And super wife that I am, I still made hubby his toast and packed his lunch before he left for work. JJJ
I still haven’t found my everyday “seeing” glasses or the spare. I am at work now and thankfully, my spare work glasses are still I my drawer. I hope nothing happens to this one sha.

Have an emaleecious day. Kisses!!!


  1. Pele, i am also myopic like you are but mine is not that bad, i can still afford to go to work without my glasses. Contact lens is always my rescue too anytime i am having issues with my glasses.

    1. Always to the rescue ooo. Thank God for your eyes. I pray it gets better jare. Wearing glasses is such a chore especially in the light of #shakaraism. lol

  2. I've done without my glasses for the past 5 months but people say it's damaging my eyes, I squat a lot. Need to go and get new glasses. Can you teach me how to wear contact lenses .lol

    1. Well, you need to stop squinting so you don't weaken the muscles of your eyes ooo. And I'm not saying it because I want you to keep wearing your glasses.

  3. blessings......
    hmmmm....... I too wear glasses, though I can see without them everything has a bit of a blur/fuzz to them.

    I guess it would be a challenge putting on your make up then or perhaps you put in the contacts and then apply your make up?

    1. Funny thing is I can put on make up without my glasses. I just have to be like really really close to the mirror. Yes, its easier to put on make up after you've worn the contact lens as sometimes it gets smeared if you put on the contacts after the make-up.

  4. Lol at you wouldn't make his morning toast. Interesting story. Hope you find your glsses though

    1. Yes na. Sometime we need to do that. FUnny, i found it under the bed yesterday after I got home :). thanks. But I still didn't find the spare one :(. Ah, and I'm not taking out the contacts till later... :)

  5. Rotfl.

    Two quick questions. 1. Are the glasses made of edible fibre? 2. Did u at any point dream of having fabulous barbeque? #IRestMyCase

    You people that threaten men with food, sha! God will kuku forgive you!


  6. Am also short sighted , but until recently I was not a glass girl never liked them but always squinted .Now I am so bad I wear my glasses 24 hours , sometimes even in the shower . this has happened a couple of times in the last week . I was just screaming this shower if foggy ohhh ,ah ah I cnt even see my soap . then I realised I had my glasses on .


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