I totally hate it when people are busy bodies.
Just mind your own business. Stop trying to know everything. It doesn't just concern you!!!
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What good will you do when you finally know? Will you make it better? Or do you want to file it in the credenza for "People's Business" and brandish it like a trophy when gossip comes visiting?
Why do you want to know if she gave birth through CS or by "natural means"? Why not just ask if the mom and baby (ies) are doing OK?
Why do you want to know how old she is if she says she got engaged? Will her age make her a better wife?
Why in this world do you want to know how much he paid for the new house he is moving to? Can you or will you reimburse him? Will you subsidize his rent?
Why do you want to know if she is pregnant? Did you sleep with her? Are you God? Can you give life?
Why do you want to know how much he is earning? Will you do the job for him? Will the knowledge swell your own coffers?
Why do you want to know how she died? Will you play God and bring her back to life?
Why do you want to know every single detail about my life?
If I ask you a simple question, I hardly ever get an answer. Yet with each bbm update, you stalk me. Asking me: "Why?", "Who?", "When?", "Where?", "How?"
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No one probably tells you anything anymore simply because it will become common news. If I ever need to publicize anything, all i have to do is come to you. and guess what? The whole world knows my business. Free of charge.
Stop being a gossip. Get a life of your own.
Mind your damn business!!!!
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