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August 2013 ...Anniversaries, Birthdays and Thanksgiving

Hello World!

Its been quite a while...I have actually been around, been reading some blogs silently. I had over 1,500 posts to catch up on, so I was "ghosting".
August has finally come to an end today. And I am most grateful to be alive. July and August were pretty challenging for me health wise, But God saw me through and I am grateful.

In August I became +1. Yay!!!!. 

I had an amazing birthday. T surprised me  blew my mind. I had always said he didn't know how to cook (well, except the 2 occasions he made yam and eggs for me). But I got to know the other side when he organized a pre-birthday dinner for me and invited my friends. He actually went to the market (He hates the market) and bought all the things he needed to make me pounded yam and Vegetable soup -Efo Riro). As in, I was amazed. He didn't let me do a single thing. I just sat pretty and read a novel while he busied himself in the kitchen. The best part of it was he actually pounded the yam. I must confess, all my married life I have never even pounded yam, I always resort to "Poundo" (usually Ola-ola or Ayoola). He then went ahead to invite a couple of my friends and spouses. I was ecstatic.

Funny after they had gone and we were snuggling on the couch, I asked him what he got for me for my birthday the next day (I'm weird like that, I just want to know shaaa. To show you how bad I've got "it" I asked him how he was going to propose to me long before he did. That's actually a long story as per he had proposed to me before, but I told him to get a few things done first and he could come and ask again. Lol). He just told me "Ife, I'm sorry, I'm not that boxed up, so I wont give you anything". I felt bad but I understood and said no biggie.
A few hours later I was really tired and wanted to go to bed, He declined and said I should go ahead that He would join me later. I went in as per I had to pray and all that. When I finished I fell asleep but I kept waking up to phone calls and text messages.

By 12:15, I heard my front door open, and was wondering why from my sleepy state, and shortly after, the door opens again. Next thing, T comes into the room and says I have a visitor. I sat up and was wondering who would come to visit at such late hour, I refused to stand up, but he told me the person was waiting in the parlor. I dragged my self up, put on my house coat and went to the living room, I didn't see anyone. I opened the front door and saw T standing beside a black car. In my sleep induced state, I was like, whose car is parked in front of our house, and why is he standing beside it? He probably noticed my confused state and lifted up the keys and said "happy birthday". The sleep cleared fast. I didn't even know what to say, but I knew I couldn't scream because it was really late. Hubby offered to park it properly so we could go get some sleep, He didn't trust me driving it at that point, so I quickly got in behind him and once the doors were properly shut, I started screaming like a banshee. To think he had calmly told me he had nothing to give me. Lol. Anyway, I really had a good birthday. I just had a really good time.

My MIL's birthday was 5 days before mine. 
Our Registry anniversary was a day after MIL's birthday. Didi and Toin had their birthdays on this same day.
My cute nephew had his birthday a day after mine.
Yesterday was the anniversary of out Traditional wedding. 
Tomorrow will be our 1st anniversary as a couple.

I am truly thankful to God for good health. Most times we are healthy but we do not know what we have. A sick person or one who has been ill, or knows anyone who has been ill appreciates good health much more. I had to do lots of tests and what not, took many days off work and all, BUT God has remained faithful to me. Over and over again, I keep learning to trust God always and leave it all to him. Mark 11 23-26 has been my "talisman". 

What happened to you in August?


  1. awww... that was so so sweet of your hubby.
    see this Oliver Twist o, after all the good good loving he showed, you still asked about your gift?LOL

    I wish you the very best in everything my dearie. I asked that the Almighty will keep and protect you all the days of your life and that you and hubby will continue to grow more in love with each other daily! Happy Anniversary too!

    1. Lol!!!
      Na real Oliver twist. My Bible tells me to ask na #wink.

      Thanks a lot dear. Amen to the prayer too.

  2. Didn't want to comment cuz its so hard to do that here but awww,this is just so sweet for me not to.great!


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