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Baby Amanyi

I want you to join me in thanking God for sending a parcel our way.

Yesterday, my nephew was born, and God held my sister's hand all through.

It came as a hard surprise to us all.

My sister woke up jejely and said she was feeling funny and needed to just "breeze" past the hospital on her way to work. Being pregnant and all, she dressed up as corporately as she could bearing in mind that it was a Monday.

After a series of calls and all, I heard the cry of my Nephew.
I know I sound like a mushy aunty and all..but I cant help gushing.

Here's a picture of him...
This is the clearest picture I could get as some "Margaret Thatcher" Nurses wanted to "dampen" our joy with their so strict rules. I know they were doing their job, but...whatever!!!

Welcome Baby Amanyi, The God who kept you all this while surely keep on keeping you. May you live to fulfil your destiny. Every single day, May you walk in the paths laid down for you and may you be a source of blessing to your parents. I decree that it will be well with your life and God's Blessings will never leave nor forsake you. Your Parents will never sorrow over your birth. And as people have rejoiced at your coming, may they always rejoice everyday of your life.

May God bless you with His peace.
OK, let me stop here... *continue praying in my heart*

He just said that "2011 mustn't pass him by" and popped out!!!

Congrats to the latest mum and pop!!!! :)


  1. Aw,congratssssssssss!!! I'm so happy for you and your family.May God keep baby Amanyi and make him a blessing to this world.

  2. Congrats !!!!!! you Are Now Aunty Ema!! Awesome! AMEN OH 9ja Great..

  3. Awwwwwwwwwwww, congrats sweets. Welcome baby Amanyi. God's loving eyes will continually be on you. He will uphold you and keep you safe from all harm. You will be a force to be reckoned with. You will be a source of blessing. Your parents will have all that they need to raise you up in the fear of the Lord. In Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.

    I understand your feeling of excitement dear. I soooooo miss my nephews especially the newest addition to our home. You will make a great aunt. Don't over pamper him o. :-)

  4. Thanks a lot Didi, Che & 9ja Foodie.

    lol @ Che...I will try not to over pamper him. And a big Amen to your prayer!

  5. congratulations and Amen to your prayers.

  6. Thanks Angelsbeauty. God bless you.

  7. Congrats dear! *thumbs up*


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