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The egg that never hatched

Today, I want to tell you all a story. My story.

It happened not so long ago, and when it did, it wasn't funny at all. It was only on Sunday that I told my sister the truth about what happened that evening...and I was able to laugh about it. We laughed so hard that she sent me out of her house because her tummy had started to hurt...

This is my story- I had actually written a little bit about it here

I was called for an interview with a company. A Legal firm. The position I was being interviewed for was one I had told God I wasn't going to do any more. But I went for it. You know why? Because of the money. My goodness, it was a lot of money. I was so excited that I did the following:

  1. I asked God to please block other people's chances and make me get the job. (Selfish, I know, but I needed to wrap my hands around the money)
  2. I told a few friends and asked them to pray for me that I get it.
  3. I had already travelled out for my vacation, paid for a new car, paid my school fees and even renewed my house rent (Story for another day)
My fiancée kept telling me to stop dreaming about it and focus on God. I tried to, but it was kinda hard...I obviously told God to have His way, that if He didn't want me there then He shouldn't let me get it. I also told Him that He had to give me the job because it would make me happy (talk about a self-willed person!)

Well, I left the office at a few minutes to 5:00pm because the interview was for 5, and it wasn't far from my office. I got there and my first thought was- I hate this neighbourhood. It was in the heart of Lagos Island, (if you have ever been to Lagos Island, you will probably understand! So many cramped houses, too many people helping you mind your business and all). Any way, I got into the building, (very nice one, by the way) and could already imagine myself in my office there!

To cut the long story short, I waited until 8:00pm to enter into the CEO's office. I waited another 45 minutes to finally meet with him. His first statement to me after perusing my CV was that I was a "baby". "No I am not", was my reply, and He said "I said you are a baby" I refused to be bullied so I replied him again in the negative  then the lady sitting beside him said "he means it in terms of your years of experience. (By the way, I have four years of experience; its not much, but it means a lot to me.) The man terrorized me. Asking me all sorts of questions that he had no business knowing the answer to. But it was an interview, and I had to answer the questions. I felt stupid with some point, my answers to his questions were so dumb that I couldn't believe such statements were being made by me. (e.g. why do you think you want to be a PA dumb-Guinness-Book-of-Records-answer: So I can meet people. Now, that answer made me realize that I did not want the job after all). I was annoyed with myself for thinking about ever working as a PA again...

Anyway, as I finally left the office at past nine, I knew I would not get the job. The tears came as soon as I stepped out of the building, and they did not stop flowing. I cried my heart out for the following reasons:

I had never been so humiliated in my entire life by answering questions as stupidly as I had done

I cried for the car I wouldn't be able to buy in the next 3 months debt free.

I cried for the vacation I would still have to save a lot for

I cried for the school fees I would still pay piece-meal

I cried for thinking that I would get a job I had earlier said I never wanted to do again.

I cried at God for making me go for the interview in the first place...(Oh, yes...after all, I had asked Him specifically not to let me even reach the venue if it wasn't His will)

I cried because Tony was right all along...and I did not want to face him. (for the records, He just made me feel better and was so sweet)

Most of all I cried because all my dreams had just evaporated within hours...that's not a very nice feeling, trust me.

It took me a long time to get over when I saw myself laughing over it on Sunday with Eky, I knew I had gotten over it finally.

This, my people, is the story of the egg that was laid but never hatched.


  1. Uhmn, we all have moments when we are down. Ut happens to everyone, but it always turns out well in the end.

  2. i've had times too when i've given dumb interview answers to questions.good thing is when i rem i also laugh at myself cos it's actually been a long time now.i'm sure you'll def get something better which you prefer

  3. One of the 1st rule I learnt was never to go for a job, I am least interested in...even if you get the job, one would never be satisfied.

    It is well...working on the Island is so exhausting.

  4. @ilola that's very true.
    @Stelzz, its so funny when you look back and can laugh over those answers. we were rolling on the floor.
    @'Lara, I ends up making you want for more...somthing better...and leaves you dissatisfied always. For me, working on the island ain't bad at all...probably cuz am used to it, and live close by as well.

    Thanks people. It sure feels good to be back in blogsville!

  5. first time here! u write beautifully! so do u have a better job offer now? :)
    glad you're over it!! consider it their loss!

  6. I guess it wasn't meant to be, God is definitely perfecting a superb job for u. U will be fine.

  7. Can i just say that i had quite a hearty laugh at "too many people helping you mind your business" lol.

    Anywho, maybe it just was not meant to be. Afterall, if it was a job you didn't want you would have been very miserable doing it day in and day out.

  8. Thanks for visiting and the beautiful comment, Kitkat...

    @9jaFoodie, Amen ooo...It actually gave me a good time to examine myself and what I really wanted to do...

    Thanks LadyNgo, I know I would have been miserable...But the money was something to leave your mouth me. Lol!

  9. Do you guys know that the man actually asked me if I saw myself working as his PA for the next 5 years.
    (As Pastor Paul would say, God forbid a bad thing!)

  10. Lol!I totally feel you...still find myself planning holidays,buying a car etc when i've just been called for an interview.
    Finding a good job in Nigeria is a job itself but the good thing is that our best is yet to come and God is working something out for us.

  11. Awwww...that would have made me feel so sad!!! Thank God for the good people around you who heloed u get out from that despair
    Came over from Che's...

  12. The work ethic is a very laughable one, especially in a place like Nigeria and the States. Everything is the fault of the subordinate..smh

  13. There's a better job around the corner waiting just for you. You have been MIA. I guess you are busy with stuff. I just gave you the Versatile Blogger Award. Do stop by my blog for the details. :0-)

  14. nice...i like your style. and thanks for following my blog. gosh, i need to write more.

  15. awww! So many comments...SO much love
    @ Funmi, that's just the truth..finding a job is a job in itself.
    Thanks Honeydame...I am blessed indeed.
    @Che...been busy like you won't even believe it. Will def. be back very soon. Thank you so much for the award...Means a great deal to me.
    @smoothasgranite, thanks a lot.

  16. But God answered your prayer now, it was a wrong job for you! Be careful when u ask for things, lesson learnt!

  17. @ P.E.T Projects...very hard lesson learned ooo!

    But you are right, God answered my prayers, although at that time, it wasn't the answer I wanted to hear at all.


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