OK, this time around I am serious. I need to shed these extra pounds. Not for anyone, but for myself. Its been a hard battle , but I really need to do this. For me. For my sanity and my self esteem. I am tired of looking so hard to find things I like and want. Things that fit. Did I also mention that most of my friends are petite? I do not feel inferior in anyway, but I think I am tired of being odd!!! Besides, I do not want to develop a health challenge before I start doing something about it. I have come to the realization that if I can discipline myself in all other areas of my life; Academics, relationships, finances... then I should be able to do same for myself in terms of my appearance. This video below has inspired me to. (Not that I am that fat anyway, but if care is not taken, I may end up that way...after all, its little drops that finally make a mighty ocean) Moreover, I read a blog yesterday by Mamuje about how she climbed Mt Kilimanjaro for self accomplishment...I mu...
Come see life through my eyes!