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Showing posts from March, 2019

Malaria or hunger?

Yesterday, my son was a bit warm to touch and acting all clingy. I decided to pay closer attention to him all day to see if we would get any surprises. By noon, he was super cranky and I had to take him to bed and lay with him for a bit till he slept off. While lying with him, I saw a friends’ whatsapp stories and she put up this hilarious picture which got me in stitches. About an hour plus later, he woke up and was really grouchy. No high temperature, nothing was off. Usually, he drinks lots of water, but he didn’t any water so that got me a bit alarmed.   I tried every trick I know to get him to eat because I knew he was hungry, he just kept refusing and kept crying louder. I had offered pap, cereal, fizzy drinks, ribenna, biscuits, a sandwich, rice but he was having none of it. I decided to fry some eggs because he likes to eat fried eggs. As soon as he saw me coming in with a plate, he came to me, sat down and waited for me to cut it up and opened his mouth to ...

#Yousmellnice and other "tinz"

Whoever said blogging was an easy job didn't tell the absolute truth! Haha, I've been telling myself I need to come up here to the blog and put up a post, but I've not had any inspiration whatsoever. All I've had are snippets of my convos with Tey and though very entertaining, are not the stuff blog stories are made of. So what do I write? Aside work, home and the struggle to run my business with very little time,  I don't even know where all the time goes. How then can I write? Speaking of time, I've been trying to do a newsletter for the business but it really has been very time consuming. I'm currently using issuu (used it a lot a while back) but I'm open to new suggestions that are easier and better too. Your suggestions will be very helpful. Meanwhile, I ventured into Twittersville the other day and I stumbled upon the #Yousmellnice trend. It's super hilarious if you ask me. The HR lady didn't have to be so uptight about it (Given,...