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Showing posts from November, 2013

I'd stick to my dress maker

I gave my fabric to one carpenter  tailor that has a shop very close to my house. I had called my own dressmaker earlier but the distance coupled with the fact that I have been lazy of late made me decide to give my fabric to this carpenter that has a tailor's shop. Don't worry, I promise I didn't cry this time around. I know you will be thinking back to this post " Distrated " and how I wept on the street of Lagos like someone bereaved, but I am happy to disappoint you terribly. I didn't cry!!!  I had to go for Dolapo's wedding. Dolapo is Wura's elder brother, and since Maryland was too far away coupled with my laziness like I said earlier and the fact that I got the Aso-ebi really late, I decided to brave it and go to this woman's shop. Actually I stumbled on the shop when I was taking a walk, so I hurried back home to get the fabric and gave her. I asked to see samples of what she had done previously, she said she didn't have any, I was...

Career: Sending CV's

I apologise for the long silence since my last post seeing that I promised to put up the next post by the next day. Lets just say the "tomorrow" has finally come. I genuinely didn't mean to tarry this long, some circumstance beyond my control "happened". I promised to put up a post on the best way to send CV's. I partnered with Careers and Beyond to put this together. The 1st thing to put in mind when sending your CV to an individual is that your CV is probably not the only one the recruiter will take a look at. He/she may spend 5 minutes if you are lucky. To maximize the 5 minutes, you have to make sure your CV captivates him ("him" being generic for male or female) enough in the first 3 minutes to make him go through it. Remember he has other things that he has to do as well as other CV's to look at before settling for the "one". Don't ever send a blank email or email without content. This speaks volumes of the per...

Career: Job sites and work experience

Have you ever wondered that there are numerous job vacancies announced each day, yet so few successful stories of jobs "obtained"? Link Here's a list of a few job sites available in Nigeria. Linkedin LinkedIn Jobs ProfiCV Insidify Naija Hot jobs Jobberman NGCareers 247Naija CareerSlip Jobs Jobs In Nigeria                                                          Latest Nigerian Job Vacancy                                                           The list is unending. I keep getting emails at least 3 from each one. I don't even remember subscribing to most of these now. But I remember when I used to go to the cyber Cafe every evening to "browse"- check my emails (hopef...

Eroding morals

Things are so different from how they used to be yesterday.Growing up, my mom always made sure we greeted the "elders" or people older than us no matter who they were. Today, if a child greets you it will make you pause. I wonder what changed all that. Jazz/the fear of jazz? or what really? Have we become so westernised that greeting people is now a chore? Or respecting people? Yesterday I had to go to and from work by bus. On my way to work, I took a Keke Napep and sat at the edge. An elderly woman got in beside me and I mumbled a good morning to her. She in turn mumbled her reply and that got me grinning. (who says garbage in garbage out doesn't work?). Anyway, a third person got in beside this woman and asked her to move. She didn't want to move so she made me her excuse. Egba mi ke! How my size take konsin the matter? She spoke in yoruba and I got her message loud and clear. She said Orobo n'joko bayi or something like that while pointing by me. I just ...


Does money motivate you? No? Seriously? yes? Ah, we are kindred. Money motivates me well ooo. I won't lie. Of a truth, it's not the only thing that can motivate me. There are plenty of things that can motivate me and at different times too. But money will always be a big part of it. This morning I was chatting with Sisi Yemmie  and we had a really good talk. She doing most of the talking and me listening with rapt attention. I was so focused on what she was saying that I rejected about 6 calls (lol) e remain small make I write down wetin she dey talk self. Well, in everything she called me a lazy blogger (no offence taken) and encouraged me to make use of all I had at my disposal. I admit I have been a lazy blogger, but I will blame it on 2 things.  One is myself and my "known status". I am not by any means calling my self popular or anything, but there are so many drama's that happen in my life that I really wish I can come here to pour it out. Unfor...

My Seeing Glasses

The strangest thing happened to me this morning. Source I woke up after a really bad night and discovered my “seeing” glasses was not in the usual spot.  I call them seeing because that’s what I use them for not just for reading. Let me give you a little bit of history- If I do not have my glasses (or contacts) on my day will be miserable because I won’t see things or people. I am kinda short-sighted. So it means I get to squint a lot and miss out on activities all around me, not to even talk of people look at me strangely because they will think I am snubbing them. I remember one incidence way back when me and my sisters stayed  together in Bar Beach Towers. I heard a noise from my sleep and I just scrambled up from the bed without my glasses and tried to dash out of the room. Thankfully, my sister had locked the door and burglary proof if not I would have probably stumbled and fallen down the stairs as I wouldn’t have seen what was in my way. Anyway, I digress. Ok...