Jealousy is really a bad thing. I have always sworn that I can never be jealous of a man... Aramide, this is not saying I was jealous...I just came very close to it. Here's what happened... We were "gisting" normally, and a text message came in. I passed his phone over. Not long after, another "text" message. Then another. AND ANOTHER! I had to ask, haba, who is this? Is this work related, and he goes, no, its my friend xyz, remember, I told you about the person before. I go "ok" Later on, I picked up the phone and was going through my own messages to him ( I am weird that way, read just my messages to him and his to me) and another message comes in from him, so I tell him and I proceed to read the message. At this stage, I was curious. I read it and the message is "funny". I have this look on my face and start going over all other recent messages by the same sender. Mehn, they were funny too a point I had to a...