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Showing posts from June, 2020

The world as we know it now!

With the lift of the COVID 19 #lockdown in Nigeria, we have seen and heard of so much evil, it is scary. The increasing number of rape cases has made it necessary for us as a people to ensure we teach our children the right things. Parents need to educate both the boy child and female child- Teach the female child to stay safe always and teach the male child to protect the girl always! A friend was lamenting the other day about how things generally die down after a while here in Nigeria, and I told her its because we have a very short attention span for things. In a bid to have the "happening gist" we tend to move on too quickly to the next big news without concluding serious prevailing issues at hand. Much too quickly, we move on, forgetting that nothing has been done about it, and that nothing will be done about it till it rears its ugly head again.  The month of June seemed to be a whisper of a promise, a glimmer of hope to many, but so far, all we have heard in Lagos wher...

Corona Diaries- June 2019

A lot has happened since January when news of Corona Virus made the world scramble for safety and revalue our hygiene as a people. The things we took for granted suddenly became thongs to long for as the very recent past was referred to with nostalgia. One night we were fine and doing well, and the next morning we were scared beyond belief. The corona virus which was first seen in a tiny village of Wuhan in China suddenly grew wings and was spreading, spreading so fast and causing so much damage, leaving in its trail death and also helped us see as a people the need to show love just because. As soon as the numbers began climbing in Lagos, I had already done my own #Lockdown in my family, no going out, no buying stuff. we were all just staying in. At first it was an opportunity to just laze about, load up on Tv and just chill. Then the children started getting bored, we the adult also started getting bored. The kitchen became a major attraction as we all started looking ...