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Showing posts from 2016

Breast cancer awareness

October is Breast cancer awareness month!!!  According to The World Health Organization, breast cancer is the most common cancer found in women worldwide and claims the lives of hundreds of thousands of women each year. Breast Cancer is caused by the formation of malignant cells in the breast tissue. It is more common in women than in men. In men, it is usually detected as a hard lump under the nipple and areola. While one in eight women are diagnosed with breast cancer the ratio for men is one in a thousand. This is an effort to raise awareness and also reduce the stigma associated with breast cancer by educating people on the symptoms and possible treatment. Signs & symptoms Source It is important to self-examine yourself monthly. This way, any changes will be immediately discovered. Whenever an abnormality is discovered, it should be investigated immediately.  The following are symptoms or signs to watch out for: 1.      ...

My thank you's

Hello world, Its been almost 2 years now since i have been here. Wow!  I have missed blogsville (I hope it is still called that?) So much has happened. so many memories have been made. In my head, i was here everyday, but in reality, i juggled a zillion things. The days I had the time to sneak in here I was afraid. What do I write about? Who will read? But I was encouraged by my cousin Ema and my friend Folake (Adeline Signature Home) They urged. encouraged. cajoled....And I'm here. Thank you. To these 2 beautiful ladies who made me think I had something to write. Thank you for believing in this blog, in me. Thank you to all my readers who stopped by regularly before now to read, comment and even share. Here's to greater years ahead!