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Showing posts from July, 2014

My Forgiveness Story

Hello good people! Trust you have been good? I have been good all this time too in all sense of it. I have also been struggling with my last post. If you missed it, you can read it  here . I put up a thought provoking post on forgiveness and as I went home that evening, I was battling with my mind. I had to ask myself if I had truly forgiven him for what I felt he did to me. I realized that I hadn't forgiven him. I felt it was too much to forgive. He wronged me gannnn! Kai, that kind was too much. Then I heard that quiet voice that you can't ever miss say but I forgave you of all your sins, and the event still turned out well. Why not let him go? Then my mind went unbidden to all the times he had tried to call, or reach out to us. His own way of saying sorry. I squeezed my face. It wasn't the same as saying sorry jor. Because I act like I'm sorry doesn't mean I am saying I am sorry. And the voice says OK, and lets me be. But I can tell you that since that day...

The Need to Forgive

Its a lot easier to ask us as humans to carry a whole car, even one loaded with barrels of sludge than to ask us to forgive those who we think have wronged us. Its easier to tell the next person to you "to forgive" any wrong doing than to take our own advice if the situation were reversed. Sometimes, we pay lip service by saying "I forgive you" but then we still remember 10 years down the road what they did to us and how badly we hurt.  What's the essence of forgiving if we don't forget it? Here's how Wiki defines forgiveness: Forgiveness  is the intentional and voluntary process by which a victim undergoes a change in feelings and attitude regarding an offense, lets go of negative emotions such as vengefulness, with an increased ability to wish the offender well. Its interesting what happens to us when we fail to forgive as against what happens to us when we forgive those who hurt us. What happens when we fail to forgive those who...