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Showing posts from May, 2014

Happy Children's Day

Source Happy Children's Day to all the children out there; to all those who have refused to grow up and to all those who remain children at heart but adults in body. lol Happy Children's Day to the kids who have been failed by our country. Its such a shame that we were not able to protect you or keep your innocence, but you are still children and deserve to have a holiday like every other child. Happy Children's Day to all the kids who are still protected, loved up and pampered by their parents...this is what childhood really is all about. I pray you never lose hope in your parents and the Society at large.

When God says "No"

When God says " No " to others its not nearly as painful as when it hits close to home. Its so easy to tell someone "God knows best" when it doesn't directly affect us. But believe me, it hurts like hell when that "No" or "Not yet" is directed at us. It hurts like hell. Just yesterday' I told my friend "it is well, lets leave it in God's hands because we cant do anything about it anyway!" Today I asked God why He did what he did. And my answer came instantly. In my own voice. In my own words. Haunting me. - Not one Christian wants to be in Job's shoes even though we all want the blessings attached.  No matter how much the story( Read the entire book of Jobs) teaches us to be steadfast in our walk with God, no one wants to be Job willingly. I also remember saying our life is like a puzzle just fresh out of the box. It's everything but organized. No matter how perfect the picture on the box, we still need putting t...