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Showing posts from January, 2014

Oversabi...Or should I say Intimidators?

Hi everyone, trust you have been as good as me? lol Hope the weekend went well though? I had a really busy weekend. I was in school all day, well most of it on Saturday and Sunday. Oh yes, Accounting is not beans and for the first time it is beginning to look less like baby graffiti  to sink in. Glory be to God!!! Ah, yes it have rish to bring God into the marra oooo. I have been having cold "flooded" feet if there's anything like that since I realized I had to take the course. Postponed it since last year June and now I cant postpone it any more, so the tutorials and the plenty man hours studying. (Well, Switched at birth still has a hold on me but the fear of failure is stronger than switched at birth abeg). Source So while we were in class I noticed that I seemed to be the only one who hadn't opened my book at all. I was almost intimidated, but I held my head. I refused to slow any one down with all my questions, but I made sure to ask questions whe...

The Pay-It-Forward Initiative

I was at YSU' s bog 2 days ago and I read her post about sharing "the love" and I totally support it. Its a beautiful initiative to just be nice to others without reason and I can assure you that the world needs a lot of niceness and kindness. So here's the thing: The first 5 people who comment on this blogpost with "I'm IN", will receive a surprise from me at some point in this calendar year - anything from a book, a ticket, a visit, something home-grown or made, a postcard, absolutely any surprise!   These 5 people in turn must make the same offer in their blog and distribute their own joy. Simply copy this text onto your next blogpost, so we can form a web of connection and kindness   . Let's do more nice and loving things for each other in 2014, without any reason other than to make each other smile and to show that we think of each other. Here's to a more enjoyable, more friendly, and love-filled year. Remember it doesn't have to...

Flooded Room

Hi everyone, its Friday!!!!!!!!! Do I hear a whoop whoop? I'm pretty excited, this week has been crazy for me. Let me just summarize it briefly.  On Monday, I spent my day in the hospital and at the dentist where I got a molar pulled out. The unfortunate thing is I'm not allowed to take pain killers because they no longer work for me (an over-dependence on them over the years I guess) so I have been banned for my own good. Now the Dentist was faced with a dilemma. I needed a form of pain killer to help relieve the pain the extraction would bring. She finally settled on Ibuprofen which I had to go back to my doctor to check. My Doctor refused and told me I could only use PCM.  I had the tooth extracted and all seemed well until the anesthesia wore off, then I knew what it meant to dance in flames. By the time my mum called to see how I was faring, I cried like a baby (I always do that right? see here ) and I didn't feel ashamed at all. The pain had me thinking of li...

Loving Pink

Its funny how you never think of something even if it stares you in the face until someone points it out. The other day, a family friend noted that I like the colour pink, I denied it. I am a green and brown person I said. "Really?" was her retort. You used pink for your traditional and white wedding. It was just a coincidence I said. No big deal. I didn't want to use Green because its too common, and brown because it would have been too dull. She goes "ok ooo". Fast forward it to a year later. I am working on my tablet but I need information from my personal laptop. While using both, I got a call, so I make use of my phone and when I am done with the call, I drop my phone on the bed beside the other stuff, then get up to go take a leak. As I return it finally dawns on me... I claim to "not be a pink person" but my laptop is pink, my tablet case is pink, my phone pouch is pink, my bathrobe is pink, my water bottle is pink, I am in a pink n...

Friday Laughs...Mr. Man's Weed Experience

Hello my blogfam, Trust this week has been good? I actually came here to put up a post, but while signing in, I saw an email pop up on my screen from Simi. I checked it out and decided this would be better to put up. Its someone's account of his first time using weed...and its hilarious. I strongly believe that sometimes people need to learn their own lessons as no amount of explaining to them will do the trick. He experienced it himself and knew what he had to do...Let me not rant too much. Enjoy! Culled from Nairaland I had just moved out of my parents house and was sharing a room with my "friend". I had no idea he smoked weed, despite his suspicious movements and signature weed scent(abi na odour?) barely two weeks after moving in with him, my worst fears were confirmed as he started bringing home his weed smoking buddies and they would occassionally roll a wrap and smoke it right there in the room or mix the weed with beans or spagehtti.  Being a...

Happy New Year

Here's wishing you the warmest wishes for 2014. This is my prayer for you! May your tears only come from laughing. May joy surround you and yours always. May happiness never elude you. May common sense always be your companion. May your dreams come true. May your deepest desires be actualized. May you attain fulfilment. May peace allows surround you. And most of all May God never leave your side. I pray we remain alive by the 1st day of 2015 and celebrate the new year together in joy, love and peace. Happy 2014!