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Showing posts from August, 2012

The 30 Day Challenge- Day 14: What I Wore today

I don't even know how to start. I remember the last time I was "gingered" to complete this 30 Day challenge thingy. I honestly don't know what happened to all that fuel. I guess someone "stole" it. Lol. Now, I will be realistic and not make any rash promises. One day one day sha, I'll cross the finish line. Ok, the look of today. I woke up this morning without any thought of what I'll wear, and since my office is not so firm about dressing, I just put on whatever I first set my eyes on. A white shirt, a grey waistcoat, with a grey skirt and black mid heel shoes. Silver and pearl jewellery. My make-up- Blue Eye shadow with red lipstick. :) I looked nice(a bit sober- all my "dull" colours, but very nice)

Been a while

Hello People! I know, its been such a long time, I feel like a new kid on the block all over again. #ignoring cobwebs Thanks a lot for the encouragement I received  ( Sugarspring , Pricsy , 9ja's great and Che ) to come back. I never really left though, just didn't have time any more. SO many things have happened to me and to people around me. I keep making mental notes to blog about stuff, but the time just sleeps away and never comes back. The good thing about the hiatus is that I made some fantastic friends. Let me start with my wedding. No, relax, it hasn't happened yet...just a few more days though. I am t.i.r.e.d! Very tired. I go to bed exhausted and wake up in a fog. Someone has been doing the countdown for me -one in my office, (thanks Dr. A)  and the other has been doing it on BB every single day (thanks V), and its just about 8 days left. I am excited. I feel odd. scared. I feel normal and excited all over again. I want the dates to come and get ove...