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Showing posts from May, 2011

Chief Judge

We stand in lofty positions and point fingers. Call it whatever you like, we have become judges in this world. We know better, we know it all. We have better ways of doing it. We know just how to make it work. We have such grand solutions. We smirk, we sneer, we roll our eyes. We are far removed from the reality that people face. We see a phase and we summarize the whole situation. We judged her to be mad. Laughing at her whenever we saw her in her many colors. Her clothes always looked like hand-me-downs. Her shoes were funny and certainly did not belong in these times. Her bags were always tattered. Her make-up was garish and very scary. she walked to call your attention, swaying her little hips and speaking loudly to herself. She was not in the least bit ashamed of her appearance. We laughed when we saw her. Her clothes, her shoes, her swagger, and most of all, her attitude. She did not care, but did as she pleased. I certainly wondered if she had a mirror at home. Did she ...

Free to be me

This is my story and my song. This is what i know and believe. Once, I was given choices by people, not to do as i pleased but as they pleased. They thought for me dressed me up Ate for me and chose my food They even slept for me Not once did I know i had a choice A choice to be free to be me Free to dance and forget that I really couldn't because I had '2-left-feet' Free to think as a rational human being that I am Free to laugh just because Free to sing and make my own music Today I am hopeful that there is a way out It may be hard but I want to feel the rain on my own skin because no one else should feel it for me I want to speak the words on my own lips, no one else should say what they think is on my mind I want to live my life like I think is best Life is so short. If you live mine for me, who will live yours for you?

How my day went

What a day! I don’t even know where to start from in my narration. Was it bad? Was it worse than bad? Or should I be grateful that through it all, I am alive, although hassled, but well? Maybe I should narrate how my day went to you… I woke up suddenly by 7:45am on a Monday morning. I bet the alarm went off in my head because; I checked my phone and saw that the screen was blank. I was surprised as I had plugged my phone to charge the battery just before I slept the night before. I looked up and realized that the socket hadn’t been turned on. I rushed out of bed in a hurry and stepped on my nephews upturned box of Legos. I yelped in pain and as I jumped on the good foot, I bumped into the wall. There was no need to yelp anymore, I just swallowed the pain and gingerly walked out of my room. I got into the bathroom, scrubbed myself and turned on the shower to rinse out to soap and leave the bathroom. Alas, the water had run out with soap all over my face. I blindly tried to grab my t...