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Showing posts from March, 2011

OBALENDE...Sights, Sounds and Smells

Have you ever walked slowly through Obalende at any time before? Not hurried past because you did not want to be late for a meeting or program. Not driven past leisurely to while away time. But walked...? Obalende is a very interesting place. You see all sorts of things, hear all kinds of stuff and smell terrible things...even from people. You see them as you walk past in the morning. You see them in the afternoon, if you happen to pass the same way. You see them in the evening when you are returning. You see them at night...Obalende never sleeps! THE SIGHTS: The Dirty:  In the morning, you see the homeless, the destitute, the drug addicts. You can see the grime on their faces. Smell them from afar off. When they open their mouths to speak to you, you know exactly what a skunk that has released its gas smells like! You can tell from their clothes too that they have not had a bath....A bath??? puh-lease! how's that possible? Did you not read "the homeless" part? The St...

You remain the best!!!

She was my first cheerleader! The very first person I smiled at. She made me gurgle with laughter when it was just the 2 of us! she alone understood all my baby gaggle! she spoke to me when everyone else thought I did not understand. we shared smiles always and I always knew when she was around. she it was who first watched me struggle to sit, then crawl, then toddle, stand up and walk. she has given more than any one can imagine. When I cried, she was there to comfort me, even when she made me cry, her hands were never too far to hold me. When I fell, her strong hands picked me up and wiped my tears. She took me to my first class, and told me no to be afraid, that all will be well. When I failed at school, because I did not know better, she told me not to give up, that there was still hope. No wonder, when I finally started doing well, she was the first to know. My mum has been the best friend and mother there can be. Even though we disagree about a number of things, I still know that...