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Showing posts from August, 2010

Ode to a great man

I  was born into a large family. Many uncles and aunts. I am privileged to know one great man among them all. He had a heart of Gold. A heart large enough to carry the world and still have space left over. It is unfortunate that I would write this after your passing, but i have learned now that nothing is ever truly appreciated until it goes away. Now I know that every moment on earth is precious, as life is a clock ...every ticking second counts. I want every second I spend on earth to be meaningful. To be used in a positive way. I want to put smiles on peoples faces.  I want to banter with words. I want to reach out to people. I want to give others a chance. I want people to make their own decisions, have their choices.  I want to learn to give as I have received. I want to be readily available to people who genuinely require my help. I want to make right decisions. I want to remember people. I want to live ecah day well knowing that tomorrow will ...