Hello, wonderful people! How are you all doing? How did the week treat you? I hope you’ve gotten the cream of everything nice. Were those meetings stressful? Did that colleague annoy you? Did you meet those deadlines? How far with that target? Don’t worry—the weekend is finally here, so relax! Grab a seat, prop your feet up, get that glass of wine (or water), and just breathe! If last week was stressful, I didn’t know what was coming this week. It feels like events hit me right in the face, and the force spun me around in a new direction. But don't worry, I'm not here to unload on you. I just wanted to let you know that all is well. If you think your week was tough, best believe that someone else probably had it worse, so let’s be thankful! I hope Psalm 20:2 comes true for you - May God send you help in times of trouble. This week, countless ideas have been buzzing in my mind for different projects I’m working on this season of my life. I need grace and strength to sort ...
Hey, people! How are you? I can’t believe it’s already been over a week since my last post! How has the week been for you? Did you crush your goals for the week? Good for you!!! Or are you like me, barely managing to get through each day? Don’t be discouraged, we’ll try again next week and give it our very best. Hopefully, we'll have something to smile about at the end. 😊 For me, this week has been all shades of stress- physically, emotionally, financially, and psychologically. I had high hopes of accomplishing everything on my to-do list each day, but by the end of the week, I had loads of carry-overs, and I started to feel the weight of it all. I couldn’t push out my blog post on Tuesday, and that made me feel guilty. I couldn’t attend my classes on schedule (though I wasn’t exactly heartbroken about that—ha-ha). I now have a pile of tasks on my desk that must be done by the weekend so I can start next week with a clean slate. I also missed spending extra time in my devoti...