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Wednesday, September 3, 2003

The Return

He calls out
she stops dead in her tracks
He calls again
She pauses, listens and turns
Looks but can't see
She continues her train
He calls out once more.
There is no mistaking she has heard.
She turns South, East, West
But she doesnt see him
She becomes determined, keeps searching, frantically
She stumbles, slips, and begins to fall
Just when her back should have touched the floor, He stretches out His hand and picks her up, sets her on her feet.
Her cheecks become full circles as she smiles in recognition.
She tries to go closer but is prevented by a barrier.
He is radiating. His garments are shimering. While she, her garments hang shabily around her like rags.
She hesitates. He watches, waiting.
At that moment, all is forgotten
She runs to his embrace
He lifts her up.
Her garments undergo a transformation
Royal purple and a crown of Gold to perfect it.
He smiles at her, purity is her name.
He stretches out His hand towards her, and takes her home.

Friday, June 6, 2003

A Friend

A friend is someone you can laugh with
 - cherish that moment -

A friend is someone you can smile with
 - Never let that moment pass -

A friend is someone who shares your jokes
 - Be hilarious -

A friend is someone who listens
 - Talk to him (or her)

A friend is someone you can talk to
 - He (She) will understand -

A friend shares your beliefs
 - communicate your thoughts -

A friend is someone that needs your help and calls you
 - never refuse to help out -

A friend shares your pains
 - Hug him (her)for it -

A friend will never let you go astray
 - Appreciate him (her) -

A friend shares your dreams
 - Stand by him (her) -

A friend will be there tomorrow
 - love her for it -  

After the Storm

The thunder roars
Lightening flashes
The clouds rumble
The sky remains midnight black
The trees and plants bend over as if in submission, begging to be spared
Everyone is confused, as the sky was once blue
The rains begin to fall in a heavy downpour
Engulfing everything they come across as if in a fury
Drenching the entire human race
And suddenly, it ceases
Like there never was a drizzle
Suddenly the black sky turns blue
The whites begin to seep in too, forming a cool color
The trees stand straighter
The grass is fresher, greener
The sand looks cleaner
The birds are very thrilled and sing in their best voices
The gutters gurgle with pleasure as the roads are swollen
The atmosphere is beautiful
The humans are amazed at the sudden change.

Thursday, May 8, 2003


I once thought the cold war only occurred between nations - USSR & USA
I once thought such a great event would never repeat itself
I once thought human beings had learnt a great lesson
I once thought I knew the history until now I thought wrong
This time it has reoccurred.
This time between people and not nations
Between neighbours and not towns
Between roommates and not neighbours
- The cold war -
Giving silent treatment to one's neighbour like he doesn't exist
The anger and hatred far spent, all energies burnt
All that is left is the icy cold treatment.
Shouts and cries are much more pleasant to bear than this silence
The silence is deafening, breaking down old walls of cement and reinforcing walls of concrete in its place.
With the determined resolve o make it unbreakable.
 - The cold war -
Despite its threat, they still have the nerve to smile
Putting on different masks for different occasions
Knowing that one day, they'll end up bursting, but caring nonetheless
Each one accumulating friends like stripes of colours
Till then, they pretend to each other that they are sane.
But each of them knows no peace as the war, as cold as it is, begins to freeze them over
Finally, they give up because the war which they created proved to be master by swallowing them up.
 - The cold war -

Thursday, April 17, 2003


On the outside she sparkles
Glittering, glowing radiantly
Beautiful in everything
With her smile, your soul is lifted
She laughes and its like you have been to heaven
But then
Something happens that turns everything around
Suddenly, she falls and needs to be attended to
Her raiment's are removed in preparation for the first aid
Then the shocker comes.
The people are appalled, horrified
They become disgusted.
Her under garments boom
With a repulsive repugnant smell
Then the world knows how radiant she is indeed
They desert her
Never to be deceived again by external appearance.


That bitter poision that seepd past ever so gently
So as not to be noticed
Spreading its fangs
Gradually corrupting a system
leaving it completely paralysed.
That deadly stuff - Beware!!!
It begins with anger
Anger left to grow hot till it begins to simer and boil over
Leaving no room for peace
Peace flees
With a burning sensation taking its place
The heart once peaceful boils over
Turns red with rage
Gradually, the poision destroys the individual
Till he is swallowed up in his own destruction
He withers, wasting away.

Monday, March 24, 2003

Market place

Once I went to the Market
I saw a man, His brother and Son.
They wanted to purcahse some items as is usual with people in the square.
But something was unusual...
The man saw some things, dirty and insignificant if you ask me, very tiny
Like ants, but lost without a leader
left to the storms of life
The father turned to his son, He was on his knees, helping the things to their feet.
Releiving them of their burdens
He nods in agreement
gives up his son as currency in exchange for theses things.
The son becomes soap and washes them.
They become clean, transformed.
The father and Son leave the market.
With the things, they leave the brother to guide and guard them.
To serve as their conscience until the return with his sin to claim their purchase.

Wednesday, March 19, 2003

The Examination Day

The bells chime
The books sit down
They begin to write
For hours unending, they pour out their minds
A do or die affair.

The bell chimes.

Finally they stop writing.
Some are happy and call the exam substandard
Some are angry at the books
Others are indifferent
Some lament for plans foiled
but nobody really knows until the judgement day which book studied which
and which book has become which


Hmmm, rumour mongers
They usually come in whispers
Some with shouts of joy
Some with wailing and lamentations
The end result is usually anger
Anger by the accused
Anger at betrayal, secrets exposed
The only solution is a reversal of what has been broadcast
This is impossible because a rumour, once released can never be returned.
Be careful what with what you say. Your words just might return to haunt you!